Trust Issues || Imagine Sixteen

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"Y/n!" Derek shouted startling me out of my sleep. "Yes baby?" You mumbled still quite tired and ready to go back to sleep.

"Why is there three thousand dollars missing from my account?" Your heart dropped; not because you were guilty but because there was a lack of trust in your relationship.

"How would I know?" You sat up on the bed getting ready for the argument that was going to occur.

"Oh don't! Lets not go there; I just wanna know what you bought." You rolled your eyes. "Derek I'm telling you I didn't charge your card." He huffed.

"Y/n I don't care if you did I just don't need you lying to me!" You felt your blood boil out of control.

"Derek I did not fucking charge your card! I was with you all day today! How could that even be possible?!"

You yelled. Derek knew what you meant by being 'together' you guys had been getting it in all day; crucial part of the reason as to why your tired.

"If it wasn't you then who else could've spent the money? You're the only one with full access to all my accounts!" That was semi true but, Derek was a generous guy at heart; he could've given the damn thing away.

"You know what? It's getting really tiring trying to earn your trust! I don't understand why you can't take my word for it?" Your voice broke as you got out of bed to put some clothes on.

"Y/n don't give me that bullshit! I don't trust you because mysterious shit like this happens and the finger always finds itself your way!" You just completely ignored him as I slipped on some sweats and a t-shirt.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Derek screamed as he started to back you into a corner. "Derek move!" You yelled as you guys were both getting heated.

"I am trying to give you a couple hours to calm down, because you need to come to your senses and figure out who took the money; because it wasn't me!" You pushed him out of your way and slipped on your uggs,

"What I don't understand is why you're trying to flee if you're oh-so innocent.." Derek pushed you violently back in the corner causing you to hit your head on the wall.

"Derek!" You started to cry. "Are you ready to tell me what happened to that money?"

"You know if I spent the money you would've known the story it was purchased from, at what time; hell you might've been there with me!" You screamed, shortly after hearing someone knock at the door.

"I don't believe you! Y/n, you're gonna plead your case a bit better than that." You were fed up; with this topic, this conversation, and him. This was your final straw.

"Derek, I'm leaving! Please don't try to stop me or convince me to stay." You spoke before walking past him and almost getting away free, but of course Derek wasn't going to let you leave when there was money unaccounted for. He yanked you back so hard you fell down and hit your head once again. Before you could properly respond, Derek was thrown to the ground and cuffed by two officers.

"Ma'am, are you alright? Let's get you checked out!" The kind officer helped you up off the ground carefully.

"Do you mind telling me what's going on here?" Both of the officers asked You guys separately. "He woke me up out of my sleep, and was under the influence that I stole three thousand dollars out of his bank account-."

"That because she did!" The officer shushed Derek and gestured for me to continue on.

"Now there is no way possible that could've happened because I was with him all day, you know-" The officers caught on to what you were getting at.

"Okay so how did you guys get around to all the violence?"

"I was trying to leave, before all of the violence came along but he got even more upset and yeah?" They looked at Derek like he was the dumbest person on earth. One of the officers just laughed at him. "You mean to tell me that your lady was here all day, pleasuring you and you accuse her of stealing money? That's just plain ridiculous!" You snickered at their amusement.

"Ma'am? Do you wanna press charges?" You took a look at Derek and just shook your head no. They let him free of the handcuffs and wished you both a goodnight before leaving.

As the door slam shut, Derek's phone started to ring; it was his sister.

"Yeah Delany?" He put her on speaker.

"I just wanted to let you know that I finally got those rings I was telling you about! When I was in the store my card was declined for some strange reason so I used the back up one you gave me! The money I owe will be replaced tomorrow." You literally cried because not only were your emotions running high; you wanted punch Derek for lacking trust in you.

"How much did the rings cost?" You got up and made your way over to your closet and grabbed a suitcase.

"It was like three thousand, but the money will be back on your card tomorrow! I promise." Derek saw you throw the suitcase on the bed and panicked.

"Nah don't worry about it, I'll call you later! Love you bye!" He hung up jumped up, and tried his best to block me from the closet.

"No! Y/n, I will not let you walk out; I refuse!" You weren't even fazed by him. You kindly walked over to the dresser and started to grab your belongings.

"Baby please!" You scoffed. "Derek, go fuck yourself!" You spat as you placed your things into the suitcase. He came from behind and bucked his pelvis against your behind.

"I'd rather fuck you..." He knew that was your weakness, when he got rough. He started to kiss your jawline and left a trail down to the center of your back.

You gave in.

That didn't mean you weren't planning his punishment. He wasn't getting off that easy. This relationship was toxic, you guys weren't meant for each other, but the sex was good and so was the "company."

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