"Fields!" One of the guards yelled.

"What!?" Emily yelled back.

"Get ready! You're going out to the yard. You've got a visitor!"

Emily shook her head. "I don't have any. I don't want to see anybody. Turn them away!"

She heard the guard chuckle. "Strict orders not to. You don't get a say this time. Get your ass going."


Emily sat on the bench outside picking at her cuticles. She almost always hated sitting out here in the yard with her long flowing gown. She felt almost bare.

She watched a couple of the patients milling around talking to each other. Some even talked to themselves. It really was a shame that people ended up this way. The people who served and protected The United States. These were the people who put their lives on the line.

"My God, Fields. Didn't I warn you? I told you not to do anything rash," a deep yet familiar voice sounded.

Emily turned around to see the man strutting towards her, his hands in his pockets. Half the side of his face was covered in terrible scars, yet he wore his uniform proudly.

"Lieutenant Meyers," Emily said, standing up to greet the officer.

"It's been a while. I have to say though, you definitely are not in a place I thought you'd be," Meyers said sadly.

"How'd you know I was here?" Emily asked.

Meyers shrugged and sat down across from her. "I heard it somewhere through the grapevine. 'The Hunter' has been put down, so to say. Somebody sent in a distress call. Your mother told me."

"I bet she isn't too proud," Emily said stiffly.

Meyers chuckled darkly. "Oh, no she isn't. She said your girlfriend sent in the distress call."

"Alison did, yes. She just wanted to save me from my 'terrible fate.' She tries to see me. I won't let her," Emily said.

"So Alison is the girlfriend. You finally got her," Meyers said, grinning.

"First night I got back, actually. Guess we really were supposed to be together. But she didn't sign up for this. She didn't sign up for a veteran with PTSD and suicidal tendencies. She signed up for a girlfriend who would love and protect her. Her sister was murdered and here I am acting like an asshole child," Emily spat.

"So she put you in time out. Bravo Ms. Dilaurentis," Meyers praised.

"I never mentioned her last name," Emily said suspiciously.

Meyers smiled. "No need to. I saw it on your report. The distress call was reported by her. Usually people keep it anonymous but... Not her."

"Funny. She used to like to be '-A for Anonymous.' " Emily joked darkly.

"See, that's your problem, Fields. You're obsessed with the hunt. You're obsessed with anything that will give you clues. I bet you're even looking for the murderer of Charlotte Dilaurentis," Meyers said.

Emily froze. "How would you even know that?"

"Rosewood's a small town. It's still the talk. I learned all about your past, Emily. Charlotte Dilaurentis, AKA, Charles, AKA, -A. How she tortured you, and put you in a doll house. It sounds like you hated her a lot. Yet you're looking for her killer. Why?" Meyers questioned.

"Alison loved Charlotte. She's the reason she stayed here. When Charlotte died, Alison got hurt. I didn't like Charlotte, sure. But I certainly didn't wish for her to die," Emily growled.

Home For Fall // Emison and PLLWhere stories live. Discover now