For TWNathanSykesTW

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Hi Amber, sorry it took so long to write and that it isn't great or very long. Writers block and homework combo :(

 My phone started ringing and I heaved myself off of the sofa and grabbed my phone.

"Hello is this Mrs Amber Sykes?" Said a familiar low voice.

"Good morning Nathan." I replied, smiling because I could hear his voice again. And oh yeah we're married if you didn't quite pick that up. We got married 2 years ago but we've been together for 4 years now. We are young and the press certainly picked up on that but we're ready and when it's right it's right. 

"Hey hun. How are you?" His tone changed and it was like I could hear him smiling.

"Tired... And hungry." I moaned, rubbing my tummy.

"How's the little un?" Oh and I'm 8 months pregnant too.

"... They're good, they keep kicking though!" I said slowly, careful not to say anything.

"When are you going to tell me the gender?" When I had the scan I found out the sex of the baby but despite Nathan's attempts to get off work and come with me, they were touring and have been for 2 months. I decided I wouldn't tell him to make it a surprise but I know and I think Nathan will be delighted. I can tell Nathan hates that he isn't here but it's alright. His family check in on me a lot because they feel guilty and my family support me a lot too plus Nareesha is really helpful since Seev and her had a beautiful baby girl last year. 

"Well you can see for yourself in a month!"

"Baaaabbbyyyyy plleeaaassseee." He moaned.

"No Nathan. Not to be rude but I want food so why exactly are you calling?" I said, listening to my tummy rumble.

"Well firstly to check on my beautiful wife. And secondly because I want to know if the spare key is still under the mat."

"Yes why?"

"Because my mate is dropping off some stuff of mine and they can just let themselves in so you can relax."

"Aw thanks baby." I cooed. 

"Okay see you la-... soon." He said quickly.

"Miss you!"

"I miss you too." 

I fell asleep on the couch soon after and I had the most lovely dream where me and Nathan were sitting on the floor playing with our baby and he was the happiest I'd ever seen him and it was the best dream ever but I didn't quite get to see the end because I heard the door creak open. For a second I thought I was being robbed but then remembered what Nathan had said. It must have been his friend.

"Aw she looks so cute." I heard a familiar voice but was too lazy to bother opening my eyes, then I heard sniffing.

"Mate are you crying?" I heard someone chuckle softly.

"Whatever! Now shush I don't want to wake her up!" A person said louder but the sound of their voice woke me up straight away.

I squinted my eyes slightly and saw 5 figures who I recognised immediately

"BOYS!" I shouted, I shot up quickly and one of the figures rushed towards me 

"Take it easy." He said, smiling at me with that grin I'd missed so much.

"Nathan what are you doing here?" I exclaimed

"Calm down! Don't stress okay? Me and the boys got some more time off so I could be with you." Nathan 

"Aw you're the sweetest! I've missed you so much!!" I said, pulling him into a quick hug

"Hey boys!" I exclaimed, hugging each of them in turn. 

"Aw hi Amber, you've gotten big." Max said. I frowned slightly, feeling slightly offended.

"No that's just because you're pregnant!" 

"We'll all catch up tomorrow. We're going to go see our girls." Tom announced, giving me a quick hug and leaving with the rest of the boys. 

"Oh Nathan I've missed you so much! I'm glad you're back!" We sat down on the couch and cuddled.

"Me too. I've hardly been with you, I'm the worst Dad ever and they've not even been born yet." He sighed.

"Oh shush. I understand." I said, smiling at him as genuinely as I could. I took his hand in mine and rubbed my finger against his his softly to reassure him. 

"No no it's not right. I feel awful." He pulled his hand away and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Nathan our son is going to love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I dunno... Wait did you say son? I'm having a son?" He jumped up from the seat and started running around the room like he was hyper.

"Yes." I nodded excitedly.

"I'm so happy. I love you so much!" He ran over and hugged me gently.

"I love you too."

"We're having a son." He said happily.

"Yeah we are." 

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