Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty1


After we kissed he pulled me back into the hamick for a while. I just laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It was relaxing for me. An hour or so later he took me back to the hotel. He even brought me to the door and kissed me. He slipped his hood on as he left. I waved and went inside. Thankfully the boys were still asleep, I carefully made my way back to my bed and laid down. Holding my stuffed animal close to me. Before to long I too was sleeping.


" It's time to wake up!" Jay shouted loudly.


I groan rolling over onto my back, the sun was shining in my face before.


" We're going to go look for clues." Tim explained.


I'm tired go away... I looked up to both of them, they were already ready. I sighed knowing that it was a loosing battle. I got up and began my morning routines. Once I finished I was in black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and of course Hoodie's hoody. Well more like my yellow hoody. I came out as I finished tying my hair back into a ponytail. The boys jumped up to greet me at the door. Not to soon after we got in the car and started driving to our destination.


" So where are we going?" I asked.


" Back to your house." Jay replied turning the camera to look at me for a second, then back at the road.


" Why?" I asked.


" Why not?" Tim shrugged.


I shrugged as leaned back in my seat. It took about two hours to actually get to my house. It was a long boring ride, one I definitly don't look forward to when we're done. As soon as we got to my house I noticed my yard was trashed. I was a little confused, but jumped out and quickly made my way over to the door. I'm not afraid of anything here. Why should I be? It's my home.


" Wait for us!" Tim called running up to join me.


He had the camera on his chest, with the belts going around his back.


" Why?" I asked before really thinking about it.


" Um..." Tim didn't know how to respond to that.


" Nevermind." I shook my head as Jay finally got over to us, he had two flashlights in his hands.


" Lets go." Jay smiled at us.


I nodded and turned to my door, and opened it. Oddly it was unlocked, the boys probably left it like that. As we walked in I immediately noticed how messy it was, it was worse then how we left it. I frowned. My beautiful house was a pig sty! Walking in farther, Tim and Jay pushed me aside.


" Woah woah woah, my house. Me first." I pushed between the two.


" Sorry." Tim apologized rolling his eyes, as he made his way to my kitchen.


Men.... I swear I'll never understand them. Jay walked to my living room and started looking around. I rolled my eyes and walked up my stairs. It was an eery dark up there. I kind of felt scared. I've lived here all my life, and now I'm scared. All the lights were off, and wierd stains were on the stairs. I took a deep breath still making my way up. Once upstairs I noticed all the doors were shut except my bedroom door. I reached for the light switch to turn on the light, but was only greated with the fact they didn't work. Wonderful...

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