Chapter 7

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Chapter Se7en

Nightmares Institched In Reality


It was dark, I was in an unfamiliar place. It looked like a hospital, or maybe a school. I couldn't really tell. I knew it was night, considering I was next to a window. From the moons light, the building had been burnt down. I was on the top floor, the more I looked around the place Alex attacked Tim in. Actually now that I think about it, I think I am there. I slowly got up, looking around a bit more. Off in the corner I could make out what looked like a flashlight. I walked over to it and picke it up. I shook it a little, before pressing the button to turn it on. Thankfully it worked. Guess its time to start getting out of here.

I walked around for a while, before I finally found the stairs. As I walked down them, I started to feel like I was being watched. I glanced around, cautious around every turn. I finally made it out, and I was indeed in a forest. The trees were tall and way over grown. I heard a branch snap, fear rising in my gut. I began to run, in the distance I could see another building. I quickly ran into it, and made a quick turn as I turned my flashlight off. After a few turns I finally hid inside a room, behind the door. I heard footsteps breaking the fallen pieces of the cieling, as well as glass and other objects. I could feel my body begin to shake a little, as I cursed myself silently.


" Where did you go!" A familiar voice yelled angrily.


I made no action to reply to him, just stay hidden. I could hear the person stop outside the room I was in. Oh god don't come in here. Don't come in here.


" I know your here somewhere!" They shouted as they punched a wall, or at least it sounded like it.


The building let out an eery moan as they hit the wall. My legs ached from sitting on my toes for so long. I heard the person start to walk again. It sounded like they were walking into the room across from me. God he's going to check all the rooms! Just barely I could hear the fallen concrete being stepped on next to the room I was in. The person seemed to be taking they're steps carefully, while the other person stomped around not caring. I could hear the soft footsteps come threw my doorway. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god...

The took another step, as the louder footsteps stomped back into the hall way. The person shouted before taking off down the hall. Once the louder footsteps were to far away from earshot, I let out a quiet sigh.


" Silver." God I've never been more relieved to hear his voice.


I slowly came out of my spot to see the all to familiar hooded male. He was against the wall next to the door frame, far enough that whoever was in the hall couldn't see him. Without a second though I launched myself into him, happily wrapping my arms around his neck face buried in his chest. He stumbled a bit in shock that I had jumped and hugged him. His body tensed a bit, before he finally relaxed and hugged me back. I felt a lot safer oddly. How that worked I'll never know, all I did know was that I didn't want to let go. Finally he managed to pry me off of him, and grabbed my hand. He immediately began to drag me out into the hall. With his finger he motioned me to stay quiet, as he began walking. I followed him, mimicking his steps. We came to a corner, I could hear whoever was chasing me hitting something.


" Where the fuck are you!" I could hear them yell.


I flinched back a little bit, as Hoodie let go of my hand. He quietly sprinted to the other side of the hall and picked something up off the ground. I could faintly hear metal scraping against the ground. Apparently I wasn't the only person to hear it either. I could hear the other person begin to walk this way. My legs were begining to shake as each step got closer. Oh god. I wanted to peak around the corner, but Hoody put his hand up. I took a step back as the person came to the corner. They jumped out to face me. There stood Alex, a gun in his hand, ready to shoot me if I didn't cooperate.


" Found you." He laughed as he took a step closer grabbing me roughly, slamming me into the wall.


I didn't say anything, as I looked behind him. I noticed that Hoodie was now behind him, with the pipe raised. Before Alex could move, Hoodie swung the pipe against Alex's head roughly. Alex dropped like a rock, landing with a loud and hard thud. Hoodie knealed next to him and took the gun from his hand, shoving it in his pocket.


" Are you okay?" Hoodie asked as he stepped over Alex.


" Y-yeah..." I nodded taking a shakey breath.


" Do you remember how you got here?" He asked as he pulled me over Alex, making me follow him down the hall.


" Not to much..." I replied as he led me back out to the entrance.


At the entrance a hooded figure in all black stood. It looked like it was waiting for us. When it heard our footsteps, it turned around. In the moon light I could barely make out a deep blue mask, with black holes for eyes. I stopped in my dead in my tracks. If that was who I was thinking it was, I would rather be back with Alex. Hoody noticed I stopped walking and turned to me.


" What?" He asked then turned to look back at the hooded figure, before looking at me, " Getting cold feet?"


" No." I replied as I took a step back.


" The what's wrong?" A new voice asked.


The voice was a lot deeper than Hoodies, adnd I could only guess that it was the hooded figure. They stood straighter, as they began walking over to us. I yanked my hand from Hoodie's and took another step back. The other person laughed a little bit.


" Are you scared?" They asked taking another step closer.


This felt like a game.. kind of.


" Jack stop." Hoodie ordered as he walked over to me, grabbing my arm so I couldn't get away.


Oh my god I was right! I was Eyeless Jack... Why me!!!!!


" I'm not doing anything." He retorted putting his hands up in defence.


" Whatever, lets just get out of here." Hoodie sighed pulling me up next to him, wrapping his arm around my waist.


He forced me to start walking, considering he had his arm wrapped around me. As we left Jack followed us, walking side by side with Hoodie. We were all silent as we left the burned down building.

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