Chapter 13

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Chapter Th13rteen



A few days passed, with not much of any events. Jack and Hoodie both took turns sleeping on the floor and mattress. While I got to sleep with one of them on the mat. Lucky me right? No. Hoodie isn't as bad in his sleep when it comes to clinging on, but Jack on the other hand. Don't even get me started. I was practically strangled all night. He likes to pull you as close as you can get, arms wrapped around your chest or neck. With his legs tangled in yours. Don't get me wrong its cute.. When its not you. At least with Hoodie if you try to push him away he gets the idea and stays on his side for a bit. Today was hot, and very very VERY slow. So far I was left alone here at the 'hideout'. Both of them left to go 'survey' the area. Make sure it was safe, and see what Jay, Tim, and Alex are doing.

I let out a sigh as I stood up from the old mattress. What was I going to do? I walked out into the bigger part of the barn like garage. There was a bunch of debris on the floor, as well as leaves and tree branches. Was I really bored enough to clean this place up? Yes. So I began picking up random things on the floor. Wait should I really be cleaning this place? If someone does come it'll look like some one was here. I sigh dropping all the stuff, and sit down. What the hell am I going to do? I don't even have my Ipod.


Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.


Somebody was coming, I shot up as fast as ever and bolted to the tiny room. The footstepd came in.




I nearly jumped out of my skin, turning around. To my surprise, in the corner sat a black cat. It had red eyes and a large grin stretched across its face. It watched me with its large smile, as I turned my attention back to the doorway.


" Silver?" Hoodie's voice called out.


Thank god it was just him.


" I'm in here." I replied turning back to the cat.



Right as Hoodie got to the doorway he stopped. I take it he didn't know there was going to be a freaky cat in here.


" Hello Hoodie." A wierd voice came from the cat.


A shiver ran up my spine.


" What are you doing here?" Hoodie ignored the greeting.


" I came to keep the young lady everyone is so fond of, company." The cat laughed as it padded over to me and jumped into my lap.


I felt the urge to push it off, but Hoodie beat me to it. He scooped it up and tossed him out the door. I was then quickly pulled up behind Hoodie. He let out a groan and grabbed onto his side. It was healing well thanks to Jack, but it was still pretty nasty and he couldn't move certain ways. He held his side as he face the doorway.


" That wasn't very nice." The cat's smile faltered a bit, before returning.


" Just leave!" Hoodie yelled which kind of startled me a little bit.


" No." The cat simply padded back over to us and rubbed against out legs, " Besides I'm better then Smile, right?"


" She doesn't need either of you." He replied holding his side a bit.


" She's going out of her mind when you two leave." The cat retorted as he pawed my leg.


I couldn't help it anymore, even if the cat was freaky it was adorable. I snatched it up in my arms and held it close. The cat purred loudly as I ran my fingers threw its soft silky fur. Its head rested on my shoulder, and arm/paw at both sides of my neck like it was hugging me.


" Your not helping." Hoodie commented turning to us.


" I'm sorry I couldn't help it..." I murmured into its soft head, " Look how cute he is."


" Aww thank you my dear~" The cat purred rubbing its head against the bottom of my chin.


I giggled a little, considering the fur tickled me. Hoodie let out a sigh and sat down carefully.


" You okay?" I asked worried.


" Yeah, just moved the wrong way." He replied as he watched me sit down with the cat.


" Looks like I win." The cat smiled at him.


" Whats Grinny doing here?" Jack's voice asked making me jump out of my skin.


He was standing in the doorway, camera in hand. Thankfully it was turned off.


" He said he's here for Silver." Hoodie replied lying back on the mattress.


" Why she has us?" Jack asked anger rippling off his now tense body.


" She's going insane staying here alone." Grinny responded as he moved in my arms so he was lying down, curled in a ball.


Awwwww how cute! I'm such an animal lover. He's just adorable. God my minds gone to mush.


" Why didn't you tell us?" Jack asked.


" Um..." I didn't know how to respond.


I mean I guess I could have told them to take me with them, but I thought I would get in their way. Why would they want to drag me along? I'm no real use. I couldn't really ask them to just stay here with me either. If I did they'd probably just make an excuse for why they have to leave. Jack waved a hand in front of my face.


" Sorry..." I apologized.






Ok so next chapter is a little wierd, but just bear with me guys I promise it'll end good

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