Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten10


The heat rolled in, makign me a bit uncomfortable. I mumbled under my breath as I rolled over onto my other side. The sun was in my face and annoying me. Something wrapped around my waist, like a warm cozy blanket. I hummed a little bit, snuggling into my pillow. I heard a groan come from my pillow. I quickly shot up, and looked to what I was lying on. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Hoodie. I was lying on Hoodie. I looked around the small room, Jack was nowhere to be seen, nor his bag. He must have left. Maybe he went back threw that one door.

The arm around my waist tightened, pulling me back down and into Hoodie's chest. I blushed a bit, before relaxing. Maybe I could play it off like I was sleeping. Like I didn't know.


Ba-dump... Ba-dump... Ba-dump... Ba-dump


His heartbeat was so calm, so steady. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Listening to its calm beat, managed to make me tired.


" Silver..." The all to familiar voice murmured sleepily.


I made no moves to get up or acknoledge him. Five more minutes.


" A-ah... Silver. Get up..." He strained something shook me.


I sighed angrily opening my eyes. Holy shit! I quickly rolled away from Hoody, and off of his makeshift mattress onto the floor. I quickly sat up and looked at him.


" T-thank y-ou..." He murmured laying back on his back.


I could see even threw the baggy clothes that he was tense. His breathes were heavy, as he tried to sit up. After the third time he finally gave up, much to my convincing. I was now sitting by his side, holding his shoulders down so he wouldn't get up. He didn't bother to struggle against me, instead he just grabbed one of my hands and held it. I could hear footsteps coming into the building. I got up and peaked from behind the door. I was relieved to see Jack walking in. He had two grocery bags and another cloth bag that was all bloody. He nodded when he noticed me, and came in. I moved back to sitting next to Hoodie. Jack sat across from me, tossing me one of the grocery bags. I caught it swiftly, and looked at its contents. I almost laughed at its contents. It had a bunch of energy bars and candy.


" Trying to make us fat?" I laughed a little pulling out an energy bar.


" No, its all that house had." He remarked as he dug around in his bloody sack.


As soon as the bag touched the floor, blood leaked out staining the floor. I turned my head away, knowing exactly what was in the bag. Silence passed us with an air of awkwardness. I could hear him taking a bite out of something, it made a squishy sound. Eww.


" Is it repulsive?" He asked all of a sudden.


" No." I replied looking at the energy bar I grabbed; it was a chocolate one.


" Then why are you looking away?" He asked as I dug out another bar for Hoodie.


" If I look... It'll make me sick." I replied turning a bit to see if Hoodie was still awake.

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