Chapter 1

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Chapter 0ne


It was late. Extremely late, yet I couldn't bring myself to go to sleep. I wasn't restless, but I wasn't full blown sleepy either. I was curious though. I've always had a fascination with what you'd call CreepyPastas. Wierd name I know, but tonight instead of looking up some stupid clichen love story; I decided to mix it up a bit. I never really read Hoody and Masky's stories. I might have glanced at Hoody's, but not full on read. I don't even think I've looked at Masky's. So guess what I'm doing tonight. You guessed correct! I'm going to read thier stories.

To my surprise I didn't find a story, I found vlogs. Entries from 1 to 56 still going. He was still posting more. I was a little shocked, and began to watch them. To my surprise they were actually very interesting. I felt like I was piecing things together a lot quicker than Jay was though. Maybe it was just me. It was obvious Sarah went missing first. I think the big one was Amy. So if you paid enough attention to Slenderman's legend. He would have other people kill for him, as a lure to get more food. Thats how I took it at least. I don't know that's just how it seemed.

I sighed, I was done watching all of the Entries. All that I'd seen only made me curious. I was kind wondering if it was a bad idea to get involved though. I didn't mean like going to the guy and saying I think I know what to do. I mean like tell the guy the legend of the Slenderman. It would definitly clear the air. I should just keep my nose where it belongs... I let out a sigh, and look to my window. The sun could just barely be seen peaking threw. Well at least the light of it. God! How late did I stay up? Solving my question I looked at my computer screen. It was currently 6:23 AM. Great, another sleepless night. Maybe I should lay down... Nahhhhhhhhh. Where's the fun in that. I got up and started getting ready for another boring day.

Taking out my backpack, I began to stuff all the neccessary items into it. I figured if I was going to do anything to day, I might as well go on a hike in the woods next to my house. Its has been five years sense I ventured into them. My mom said not to go in after what happened... I didn't to respect her wishes, but I do live on my own now. So it was my choice. Throwing a bunch of gronala bars, and waters into my back, along with a first aid kit, and flash light; I finally set off. Oh and of course my phone, Ipod, and headphones. I used to know the trails of the forest like the back of my hands. Wonder if I can still navigate all the way to that red tower. Oh funny fact. I live near where that movie was shot, that Alex was trying to make. I lived a good twenty miles away. Though I've never, and I mean never run into the Slenderman. At least not that I can think of.

I don't know how long I've been walking for, but I think I was actually lost. These once familiar trees, looked different. More dead per say. It felt eary and creepier than I remember. I felt a shiver go up my spine. I got to go home. I turn around quickly, nearly tripping. I could see my foot prints in the leaves. I begin to fallow them, accidentally tripping on a root, and smashing my head into the tree.

A groan escapes my lips as I sit up, my head was killing me. I was on my couch, sleeping. How did I get home? I don't even remember getting here. I must have been really tired... I got up grabbing my phone to play music. I go to the kitchen and begin to prep dinner.


'You never go

Your always here (suffocating me)

Under my skin

I cannot run away

Fading slowly

I'd give it all to you

Letting go of me

Reaching as I fall

I know it's already over now

Nothing left to lose

Loving you again

I know it's already over, already over now

My best defense, running from you

I can't resist, take all you want from me

Breaking slowly

I'd give it all to you

Letting go of me

Reaching as I fall

I know it's already over now

Nothing left to lose

Loving you again

I know it's already over, already over now!

You're all I'm reaching for

It's already over

All I'm reaching for!

It's already over now

I'd give it all to you

I offer up my soul

It's already over, already over now!

Give it all to you

Letting go of me

Reaching as I fall

I know it's already over now

Nothing left to lose

Loving you again!

I know it's already over now!

It's already over now!

I know it's already over, already over '


I sing along to the music, nodding my head back and forth. After dinner I cleaned up, and start getting ready for bed. Soon enough I fell asleep, the feeling of something watching me in my room the last thing I can think of.


Okay so this is chapter one, its a little boring, but just wait till the next chapter. I promise it gets better. Also the appearance of a creepypasta lol

please like comment or rate... how ever it works on this siteXD

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