Chapter 5

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Chapter Fiv5


Night came all to fast for me. I went over what Hoody said about only a day, with Jay. By the time I had gotten out of the shower, my leg didn't hurt as bad. I used a lot of bandages to make sure Jay didn't find it. I noticed when I went downstairs, he was looking threw my mail. I confronted him about it, and he apologized saying he was paranoid. All day went by with my trying to keep Jay preocupied. He questioned me about the angry letter Hoody put in my mail. As well as noticed I was limping around the house. I had to make an excuse about falling in the shower, because of Hoody. We were getting ready for bed, I let Jay sleep downstairs on the couch. He insisted on having a camera watch him.


" Whatever floats your boat man." I shrugged slowly walking up the stairs.


When I got into my room, Hoody was laying down on my bed. He actually looked comfy. When I closed the door he finally faced me.


" What did I do this time?" I asked back already pressed against the door.


He got up and walked over to me. His strides were long so he reached me in no time. I dropped down so I was sitting on the floor, he knealed down. He reached his hands out to grab my leg, I flinched pulling it closer to me. He let out a sigh, and wrapped his hands around my waist, quickly pulling me up with him. I held in a yelp as he threw me on his shoulder, and brought me to the bed. I struggled to get out of his grip, but with no use. He threw me down on the bed. I grunted grabbing my leg as it throbbed. Luckily when he threw me, I landed against the wall so I was sitting up.


" Give me your leg." He ordered, grabbing my ankle.


He yanked me over to him,making it throb a lot worse. Another whimper escaped my lips. He pulled a syringe out of his pocket, and started bringing it to my leg. Fear seemed to creep threw my body, as he brought it closer and closer. My attempts of stopping him were in vain. He ripped my pajama pants and bandages off, so my wound was visible. A blush radiated on my cheeks as he looked at my legs. I was in my underwear in front of a creepypasta!


" Stop!" I shouted at him, grabbing his hand to stop him.


" It's an apology." He muttered wiggling his wrist out of my hand, " It's also a gift from Jack."


" Stop, I don't need it." I replied yanking my leg , immediately regretting it.


" It'll make it heal faster." He pulled my leg back to him, jabbing the needle into my leg.


I yelped both of my hands wrapping around my leg. He pushed the liquid into my leg, and pulled the needle out. I curled up into a ball in pain. My leg slowly began to become numb, as whatever he put into my system spread. My body began to feel heavy.


" It'll heal by tomorrow." He stated putting the syringe away letting go of my leg.


" Dick." I growled under my breath.


He laughed as he picked me up, and brought me to the window. I was going to ask why, but for some reason I was getting really tired. Did he put a sleeping drug in it?


" Look outside." He ordered, shifting me in his arms a bit, so my head was up higher like his.


My head lulled to look out the window weakly. What I saw shocked me once more. Outside was none other than Slenderman. He was standing pretty close to the house, and looking up at us. He lifted his hand to wave, before he disappeared. I could hear something bang downstairs. I knew now that he was in my house. Hoody shifted me again, my head rolled onto his shoulder. I felt limp, my mind was beginging to get fuzzy. I could feel that he was tense for a moment, before my whole body became numb. Whats happening to me?


" Your to beautiful for your own good." Hoody's voice whispered into my ear, as all faded away.




Heres chapter 5:D

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