Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourt14n



They both sighed and scratched the back of they're heads. Jack put his arm down and started digging in his pockets. Finally finding what he was looking for, he pulled out a familiar Ipod. My Ipod to be exact.


" Here." He tossed it at me.


I quickly caught it before it landed on Grinny, or the floor. I must have startled Grinny with my sudden movement cause he jumped out of my arms, before lying down on my lap. I wonder what our next move is. So far we've just been hiding.


" What's our next move?" I found myself asking.


" Your going to be bait for Jay and Tim." Jack replied hands on his hips.


Hoodie looked down in thought. What did they mean by that? Bait? How? Please don't tell me he was going to stick me with a needle again... Oh gosh I'm starting to get nervous.


" Jay and Tim are on they're way towards where Alex used to live. That's why they were in your area. So guess where your going." Hoodie explained looking at me.


" Alex's house?" I questioned slowly backing up into the wall a bit, holding Grinny tightly.


" Exactly." Jack nodded.


Jack pulled out a syringe from his hoody. Oh god not again.


" You know I will go willingly right?" I said backing away from him a little more.


" Yeah." Jack nodded as he got closer and held his arm out to me, shifting his mask so I could see his mouth and nose.


I held Grinny closer, most likely causing him a bit of discomfort. He wiggled a little before jumping out of my arms.


" Don't make me do something I don't want to." He warned knealing next to me.


I pulled myself even further and into the corner. Not really the smartest descision considering he can block me on both ends, but it would work. He sighed and removed his mask setting the syringe down. As he looked at me with his empty eye sockets I could see something move behind them once more. His body began to tremble a little bit as he opened his mouth. A few tentacle things slid out, reachign out for me. He moved closer allowing them to touch me. They caressed my skin, dancing around it feeling its texture. Two were in my hair, one around my neck, another dancing around my face.


" Jack don't." Hoodie ordered as I closed my eyes.


" I-I'm not going to... hurt her." Jack spoke kind of muffled due to the tentacles.


I felt hands grab onto my waist, before being pulled into a chest. I knew the chest belong to Jack considering the fact that Hoodie hadn't made a single move to stop him. The tentacles left me, and to my surprise a pair of soft lips were pressed againt mine.


" Jack!" Hoodie yelled as I opend my eyes to only see into those empty sockets.


I tried to push Jack of of me, only for him to slam me into the wall still keeping our lips together. I gasped as we hit the wall roughly, only allowing him to shove his tongue inside my mouth. I let out a squeak as something else entered my mouth. I placed my hands on his chest struggling to push him off. Some liquid was forced down my throat, before I was able to get him off of me. When he pulled away, his tongue and tentacle slithering back into his mouth.


" What the fuck?" I yelled at him angrily as my legs shook beneath me.


What did he shove down my throat? My knees shook, my legs giving up on me. I dropped, right into Hoodie's arms. He caught me swiftly as Jack let out an insane laugh. My hand grabbed onto Hoodie's sleeve, holding it the best I could. My body was becoming numb just like before. My body slowly began to burn in its numb state. I closed my eyes slowly trying to block out the pain. A whimper escaped my lips.


" Silver!" Hoodie shouted shaking me a little bit, " Jack what did you do!"


" I-I just gave her a stronger form to the sleeping drug." Jack responded he sounded normal, " Why?"


" It's not reaction to well with her body." He responded as another whimper escaped my lips.


I gripped his hoody tighter as another wave of flames struck my body. I could hear Jack get up and come over.


" No..." I murmured keep him away from me.


" Let me see her." Jack said he sounded closer.


Hoodie didn't seem to agree with him, instead I was moved closer to Hoodie's body.


" Lay off." Hoodie growled.


" I wont kiss her again. I swear." Jack replied it sounded like the tentacles were coming out of his mouth again.


" I said lay off." Hoodie repeated heaving me up a bit, so I was more in his arms.


His arms were under my knees and round my upper back. I was sat down in his lap, so his hand that was under my legs went to my cheek. I could feel his gloved hand caressing my face.


" Just let me make sure she isn't allergic to it." Jack ordered as something slimey touched my face.


I could feel his tentacles move about my body. Each part they touched burned a lot more furiously. I found my body naturally flinching away from them.


" Jack stop!" I was moved once more, the tentacles were removed.


" It's not the medicine!" He stated


" Grinny what are you doing?" Hoodie yelled.


" Killing my target." My world went black, I couldn't take it anymore.


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