Chapter 8

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Chapter 8ight


I didn't know where we were, but we stopped somewhere in the woods. At some point I turned my flashlight on so we could see. They didn't really seem to mind that much, but I still felt uneasy with it.


" Jack keep an eye on her." Hoodie let go of me, as he began to walk back the way we came.


" No." I quickly followed him, grabbing onto the back of his hoody.


Out of the two boys, I definitely felt safer with Hoodie.He stopped and turned to look at me. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, before gently pulling my hand off of him. A laugh emitted from Jack.


" Hahaha are you seriously clinging to one of 'us' for protection?" He asked.


" Better than you." I retorted glaring back at him, as I turned to face him.


" You should be thanking me little girl." He walked up to me, but I didn't move.


He was a bit taller that Hoodie, giving him a good head and a half above me. I wont lie, having to look up at him was very intimidating. I wasn't a very pleasant moment. Cursing myself mentally I took a step back right into Hoodie. His body was tense next to mine.


" Both of you stop." Hoodie growled under his breath.


We both remained silent while Hoodie moved a step back. He turned a little as if he heard something. I turned to look at him and ask what was wrong, but I was shoved to the floor. Everything happened so quickly Hoodie was on the ground struggling with Alex, Jack nowhere to be seen. My flashlight was thrown away from me, facing Alex and Hoodie. All of a sudden I was pulled up quickly by the arms and dragged behind a nearby tree. I looked to the side to see Jack standing next to me. He can't be that bad if he just pulled me to safety. I should stop being so rude to him.


" Stay here." He whispered to me as he jumped out, pulling Alex off of Hoodie.


They both got up quickly, adn rushed at each other again. I then noticed the metal pipe in Alex's hand. Crap! He rushed at Jack, who in turn rushed at him with Hoodie. Alex kicked Hoodie in the legs. Hoodie dropped as Jack pulled out his scalpel. He went to stab Alex with it, but Alex wacked Jack in the head with his pipe before he could. Jack yelped in pain as he dropped to the floor. Alex swung again, successfully knocking Jack out. His body went limp, the black liquied from his eyes oozing out quite a bit more. Alex turned to Hoodie, who was getting up and swung. The gun Hoodie had taken from Alex flew from where ever it had been, landing on the floor. Hoodie dropped holding his head as he let out a groan. Alex lunged for the gun, quickly grabbing it, and holding it to Hoodie's head. No! I jumped out from where I was hiding. I attempted to tackle him, but I only knocked him off balanced. He stumbled a bit, trying to regain his balance only to meet with the floor. Hoodie tackled him down completely, wrestling over the gun. I hurried over to Jack, to make sure he was alright. He moaned in pain as I pulled him up into a sitting position. I began to drag him over to somewhere safer when a yell caught my attention.


" Fuck!" Alex yelled drawing my attention back to them.


Alex had Hoodie pinned down with the pipe. Hoodie wasn't moving much as Alex pointed the gun at him. I pulled Jack up to a tree, and went for Alex. He looked up at me as he pulled the trigger. Hoodie shouted in pain, as I pushed Alex down to the ground. Considering I didn't do much to him the first time, I didn't do much the second. So instead I grabbed the pipe off of Hoodie and swung as hard as I could. I wacked Alex in the head pretty good. Once again he dropped to the floor. I pulled the gun from his hand once more, and put it in my belt loop. Quickly turning to Hoodie, I noticed that he was on his hands and knees trying to get up. He failed miserably dropping in pain. He had a hand on his side, his black glove even darker. His yellow hoody stained in red.


" Oh my god-" I rushed to his side as he tried to get up again, " I'm so sorry."


He moaned in pain as I pulled him back so I could have a better look. His side was almost drenched in blood. Another deeper moan of pain came from Jack, as dead leaves rustled on the floor. I looked up to see Jack walking over, holding his head.


" Shit." He muttered, " Take off your hoody, we need to stop the bleeding."


I listened silently pulled off my deep blue hoody.


" Give me your scalpel." I ordered looking at him, holding a hand out.


He seemed hesitant, but handed it to me. I cut the part where the sleeves went across, making a ghetto rope. Then used the rest to apply to this wound. I pulled his hoody up a bit, and placed it on his wound. He groaned rolling his head back into the dirt and leaves. I then wrapped my make-shift wrap around him. Tieing it as tight as I could, I moved back a bit. My cheap wrapping helped a little, but he needed real help.

Jack knealed down next to us, and grabbed one of Hoodie's arms. As quick as ever he pulled Hoodie up. Hoodie yelped in pain, free hand flying to his wound.


" Help me." He ordered.


I nodded and went to Hoodie's other side and pulled is hand away. Putting my own hand on it, I applied more pressure. He groaned, as I wrapped an arm around his waist to help carry him. Of course Jack took most of the weight, but I still helped a bit. We began to walk at a slow pace.




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