Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty6

Day Five

I groaned trying to roll over, only to get held back. Where was I? I tried to open my eyes, but I was met with nothing but blackness. Was I blind? No I could feel my eyelids, I was blindfolded. I could feel something tied around my head, ropes around my wrists and ankles. I pulled on one of the ropes seeing how tight it was. Let's just say I could barely feel my fingers.

" Silver?" Oh my god....

" H-Hoodie?" I questioned.

" I swear I'll get us out of this, just give me time." He replied.

I could hear a chair screeching against the floor. The sound of ropes being pulled on. A laugh filled the air in the room, footsteps came in.

" It's pointless, you need a knife to break out of the ropes." Alex laughed as part of the bed drooped.

I could feel rough hands move across my stomach... My bare stomach.. Why the hell was it bare? For that matter why was I only in underwear and bra? Oh shit!

" Get your hands off of her!" Hoodie yelled loudly, making me jump a little.

" Why? Does it make you mad?" Alex asked as the hands moved up to my chest, thankfully they stayed over the bra.

" I swear Slender wont be able to protect you if you touch her like that!" Hoodie yelled the chair screechig again.

I could feel the hand removed themselves, the bed shift. Glass shattered seconds later, a grunt came from Hoodie. All of a sudden the cloth was ripped from my face. I blinked at the brightness of the light. The room was bright, it took me a moment to adjust. I looked around the room, I was definitly tied to a bed, actually to all four posts. Alex stood beside me, off of the bed and on the floor. In front of us was Hoodie, tied to a chair, arms pulled back over his head. His mask was pulled off, his legs tied to the chair legs. His hoody was covered in blood all over, multiple holes all threw out it. All the center points of where all the blood was starting. The top of his hoody was stained with red wine, it dripped off his face and chin. His lip was busted open, blood running down from the top of his head.

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