Chapter Forty One Final Chapter

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Chapter Forty1

Let's get one thing straight! Walking around the store with Jeff is not fun, he runs off a lot and is always asking for stuff. I don't mean to sound mean, but jesus he's frickin older than me! I should be doing what he's doing, not the other way around. To be honest I wish I never said yes to him coming. I mean the ride over here was nice and calm, aside from him telling me stories like how he kills, and what he did to them. Well I didn't really mind it was interesting to listen to him, he then told me about what he knew from MarbleHornets. I was shocked at the fact that he was actually in the shadows the whole time, he knew everything. He didn't get into detail with where and when he was there, but it was easy to piece together. What shocked me most was when he asked about what happened before I got involved. It was a bit awkward explaining it to him at first, but he than asked about my childhood. I never took Jeff as one to be that curious, I guess it just means he's taking a liking to me and won't try to stab me in my sleep. That's a good thing...

" Do you want to know the best way to scare someone?" He asked as we walked into a new isle.

" What?" I asked as I glanced at all the different baking recipies.

" Follow them." He replied how was that the best way to kill them.

" I disagree, the best way is to-" I couldn't finish my sentence, all of a sudden my stomach started to hurt like really bad.

" What's wrong?" Jeff asked his hands moving to my shoulders as I crouched down so I was a ball.

" My stomach hurts...." I murmured letting go of the cart with one hand to bite a knuckle.

" Like how?" He asked carefully.

" I don't know...." I murmured why was it hurting, I got it I was preggers why am I hurting now.

" Ohhhh that's right, your pregnant..." It was one of tose realization moments.

" Yeah, but I shouldn't be hurting right now..." I replied letting go of the car completely.

" No this is normal, the pregnancy only takes six month." He replied his hands removed themselves, " Do you want to leave?"

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