Monotone Kaleidoscope

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Through the watery magnifying glass,

Focus changes

Becoming blurry, then clear

Making me see first beauty, then ugliness

Both of which I thought I wanted, but quickly regret seeing.

The colors of the rainbow filter through the glass,

Blinding me with a feeling I can no longer describe

Then, rashly turning to different shades of no color

Both of which I thought I wanted, but can no longer feel.

From the magnifying glass,

The sun tries to filter through permanent clouds

At the expense of natural light.

Am I able to feel those colors anymore?

Do I no longer want what I thought I need?

Or, is it that I need what I no longer want?

Internally too tired to answer any doubts

Slowly drifting away from any sense of color

No longer able to feel bright, nor dark

Only the slow creeping of monotone

Taking over every fiber slowly but surely

As if to taunt that me, saying

There is no way to stop this.

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