Chapter 49: Aftershock.

Start from the beginning

She smiles weakily at me.

"Morning Clo, sleep last night?" I ask, wondering will she tell the truth.

"Like a baby!" She lied, which was shortly followed by a fake laugh. She was awake the whole night. I'm deadly serious, we went to bed about 12 and when she thought I was asleep, she got up and stayed out on the balcony all night. I knew she was awake as she was singing to herself lightly.

"That's good babe!" I smile as Roni and Izabelle leave the room. It's Saturday so no one has school. "Something smells good!" I declare honestly.

"Just some bacon, sausage, eggs and burnt toast. Hope you don't mind..." she says gently. She walks over to the cupboard and takes out two plates and plates up our breakfast.

"My favourite! " I say. And to be honest, it really is. I've come to love Clo's rustic style of cooking. I take the plates off her and place them on the breakfast bar. She places two cup s of tea on the bar aswell as cutlery.

"Thanks." I smile genuinely at her.

"Cato! Cato! Will you play with my new cars with me?" The new toy cars that Clove and I got him yesterday.

"Cato's having his breakfast!" Clove calls back to him in the front room.

"Maybe later buddy!" I call aswell.

"Do you mind if I open the porch doors? I'm feeling a little bit stuffy.."

"Go for it." I tell her. She pushes out the glass doors letting a refreshing cold breeze sweep in. The snow is just beginning to melt due to the more frequent appearances of the sun. It's a beautiful sight really. The swimming pool that we have out back isn't frozen over any more, unlike the months of December and January.

Clove reaches her arms up into the air and streches. She's wearing a black tank top and blue bed shorts. Her long, flowing, chocolate hair is draped over her shoulders. She's also barefoot. She turns around and smiles at me, her white teeth showing. Her eyes have miraculously gotten brighter.

"I might be able to hang out the washing today. I have tonnes!" She declares.

"I know, I'll give you a hand. Just eat your breakfast before it goes cold." I tell her, she shuffles over to the bar and takes her place next to me.

She leans up to me and slowly kisses my cheek. That's the most I've gotten since after dinner at the Mayor's. My cheek tingles and burns as she pulls away.

"Thank you." She states simply.

"Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you for this amazing breakfast! "

"You already did. But I'm thanking you because you've stuck with me. These last months have been real tough. But today seems different."

Yes that's what I was thinking too. It just seems different, I just hope it's a good kind of different.

We ate our breakfasts, chatting occasionally.

After breakfast, I played with Kalen for a bit until Clove dedicated to take him to the park. Roni left to visit her friend and Izabelle had to go for a walk. Lile she needed to, she was all gittery and twitchy.

And now, I'm all on my own.

I ponder around the house until I decide to just watch TV. I flick through a few channels to see there is nothing at all for me to watch.

Then something catches my eye. A picture. I push myself up and walk over to it. It's a picture of Clove's family and Izabelle's.

Clove is up on her dad's shoulders. Hayzelle is holding little Izabelle's hand as she jumping up and down. Clove must be about three and Izabelle two. Derek, Hayzelle's husband is kissing her cheek. Her face is pure red and she's giggling lightly. But that's when two other people catch my eye. A boy and a girl, twins. They look to be about nine or ten. The girl is small with an unusual skin colour, very tanned. Her grey-green eyes are scolding her brother as he has just robbed baby Roni off her. Her hair is cut short, very tight in the back but longer in the front. Her brother has the same black hair and grey-green eyes. He's much taller then her and he's holding baby Roni.

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