Chapter Four

Beginne am Anfang

"No fair no fair! One last chance pleeeaassseee Ava! That was a warm up shot," she begs and I laugh.

"Okay fine but only one more chance." I say and to make things easier for her i unbutton one of the buttons and move my shirt a little to give her more access. I admit though I was also opening things up to watch her reaction, as inappropriate as that was I didn't really care. Plus there is a gut feeling telling me she is flirting with me and I need to test that Theory.

Sure enough, her eyes widen ever so slightly and lingered on my chest area. I smirked and she lookes up and sees and blushs scarlet. Oh god how cute..

"Sorry," she mutters, embarrassed to be caught staring.

"Don't be," I say smirking, and she glancs up at my words only to blush more. She looks down again and throws the mini missile and gets it in.

"HAHA," she says triumphantly.

"Don't get to cocky," I warn, still grinning however. She gets the second one in too and concentrates very hard on the third one and gets that one in too. She jumps up and does the most adorable victory dance I've ever seen.

"Come back here," I laugh. She grins and jumps back into her seat, picking up her pen and resuming her marking.
"Okay you go first because it was your idea," she says still beaming with pride at winning our deal.

"Alright, favorite color?" I say picking up my pen and continuing my correcting where I left off.

"Black," she says and I laugh.

"That's not a color."

"Yes it is," she argues, and I give her a raised eyebrows look.

"Okay fine, white." I continue with the look and she grins.

"I'm just messing, it's probably a dark forest green." She says. For the rest of the lesson we ask simple questions like 'top three favorite songs of all time?' And 'favorite genre to read?" While marking and correcting work. I find that Thalia is a rather diversed her person. She likes a large variety of different books, music, sports, food and other hobbies.

"Goodbye Miss Hunter, I'll see you tomorrow at 3 for debating," she says, pulling her bag over her shoulder and standing up when my next class starts to file in.

"See you Thalia, thank you for the company," I say winking and she smiles and heads out, throwing one last sly glance at the door which leaves me smiling.

I don't think this silly crush will be going away for a while, and somehow I don't mind.

"Boo," Thalia whispers in my ear and pokes my sides in my ribcage from behind, causing Me to turn jump, slightly startled.

"That's for the times you snuck up on me," she grins before greeting Miss King, "hi Miss King!"

"Hello dear," Miss King says with her warm kind smile, turning when she hears her name being called.

I shake my head at her as she winks and pulls her tongue out at me and skips to a desk next to a Asian boy, who I think is going to be exceedingly attractive in a couple years.

"Quite please!" Paula calls out and the chattering dies down.

"This is Miss Hunter, some of you in the higher grades might have her as a chemistry teacher, and she will be helping me this year. How about we start by all of you standing up and saying your name and your reason for joining this debate club,"Paula continues once their is silence.

"Even if we were here last year?" A boy asks.

"Yes Oliver,"Paula answers and then points at a girl in the very front, "let's start with you.

"My names Camille and I'm here because my fathers a lawyer and I'm following in his footsteps,"the girl says examining her nails, and I immediately can see she's a classical high school bitch with her long blonde hair and perfectly contoured makeup and 'I'm better then all of you' attitude. Without meaning too my eyes wonder on their own accord to find Thalia, who is rolling her eyes as Camille speaks and making a face, and the Asian boy sharing a desk with her is cracking up silently at her. I smile. Her eyes meet mine and she blushes that cute blush and I shake my head still smiling with amusement, and she stops her mocking and looks down still embarrassed.

"Okay now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's pick a topic to have our first debate on, but keep in mind that this first debate will just be a text run that we can evaluate later on," Paula says after introductions, "anyone have any ideas?"

"Whether Religion is good or bad?"someone suggests.

"That is a very deep debate that will cause a fight if we jump into it straight away," I say.

"Miss Hunter is right, maybe later on in the year honey." Paula Agrees.

"If school uniforms are necessary or not?" Someone else offers.

"Yes that's a good idea, we have never used that topic before." Paula nods. The students, being to lazy to pick teams told us to be a team captain each and pick.

"Camille," Paula picks first.

"Thalia," I pick next, without even having to think about it. I wonder if that's a bad or good thing. Soon we have we have two teams of about 13 or 14 people each, and I take my side to the back and we make a circle of chairs and sit and Paula does the same thing in the front. My side is to argue that school uniforms aren't necessary and the other side argue against, which I'm happy with because I agree with our statement. After we've discussed all the points we have and we've thought of possible arguments they could come up with and figured out how to counter those arguments time is already up. We agree to do the debate next week Tuesday and everyone leaves except for Thalia who is talking to Paula about something.

"-so I can write the exam at the end of this term?" Thalia is saying as I join the conversation.

"If you score above 85% on average on your report for English by the end of this term." Paula explains.

"What's this about?" I ask.

"I'm asking Miss King if I can write my finals for English early so I can focus on my other subjects." Thalia answers my question.

"Ohh.. You can do that?" I say.

"Yes, if you get high enough grades. A lot of seniors do it," Paula says,"but it's hard to score that high in English."

"Especially your English class," Thalia jokes and Paula laughs.

"Alright girls I have to get home to my child, see you around Miss Hunter and see you in class Thay," she says taking her bags and waving goodbye, and we both wave and smile back.

"She has a kid?" Thalia asks as soon as Paula leaves.

"Yes, she's about 6, and I forgot her name.. I think it starts with a H or something," I answer.

"Hmm.. For some reason I didn't picture Miss King with a kid.." She says before throwing her bag on her shoulder and adding,"anyways I have to go, see you in class tomorrow Ava."

"Drive safe," I say smiling.

"You too," she returns the smile and disappears out the door. Oh I love that smile. I sigh and get my stuff and head out to my own car, it's been a long day and I need a bath.

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