26: Labor (Part 2)

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"I guess," he sighed, "I'll do it."

He dialed up the doctor and it didn't take to long for the phone to be answered.

"Hi my name is Niall Horan I'm calling about my girlfriend (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," he spoke quickly, "It's an emergency can I please talk to Dr. Elson."

You walked into the next room and say yourself down as you felt another contraction coming on because you didn't want Niall to see you and overreact. Honestly they weren't bad at all yet, it kind of just felt like a really strong period cramp. Niall walked in a few moments later allowing you to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Well they're around 10 minutes apart now," he explained.


"Wait until 5 minutes or less," he repeated quite disappointed with the answer he received.


"Alright," he sighed, "Well thank you very much."

He hung up the phone and turned to face you.

"Told you so," you grinned.

He sat himself down next to you, "I guess we'll just have to wait."


Over the next two hours your labor quickly progressed. Each one felt stronger and lasted longer than the last had. You were starting to get very anxious and Niall was no better.

"Niall it's happening again," you whimpered as you felt another one coming on.

"It's okay," he soothed, "I'm here princess."

You were kneeling on the floor in your bedroom holding on the the edge of the bed. Niall was crouched down behind you rubbing your shoulders and up and down your back. You could feel him tense up each time a groan escaped your lips. You let out a breath as the tightness in your stomach began to release.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this and were not even close yet," you cried.

"You're doing so well," he kissed your head, "And we're getting so close (Y/N). That one was only 4 and 1/2 minutes since the last, it's time for us to go."

You nodded and Niall got together yours and his bags and loaded them into the car. He helped you down the stairs and into the passenger seat and off you went.

Thankfully the hospital was only a 5 minute drive from your house and you only experienced one contraction on the way. Niall pulled right up to the doors and came around to your door to help you. You stood up and immediately stopped once you felt a strong pressure in your abdomen. The pressure got worse until you felt a gush between your legs.

"Uh-h Niall," you stuttered.

        You and Liam stepped outside into the cool September air. You made your way into the car, making sure you had everything you needed with you. You shifted in your seat trying to find a position that made you as comfortable as you could possibly get. You weren't in much pain yet but you were very uncomfortable.

"Next time we're in this drive way we'll have our little girls in the back seat," Liam grinned as he turned himself as around to back out.

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