Chapter 2: ✔️ Edited

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"Ma belle fille." Ryan grinned, the flawlessly pronunciated French words dancing off of his tongue as he lays a gentle kiss on the back of my hand; bowing slightly in the process. The words were simple, translating to 'My beautiful girl', but they made my heart flutter nonetheless. Unlike me, Ryan hadn't been taking French since he was 4. Instead, he'd picked it up a little over 10 months ago to impress me on our first year anniversary. So every time he spoke it, it managed to gives me uncontrollable butterflies.

"Mon bel homme." I grinned in response, hoping he was capable of translating it to it appropriate meaning, 'My handsome man'. An as he stood up straight and grinned, his hand wrapping into mine as his blonde locks seemed to gain a certain sheen. I knew he had.

"Shall we dance my love?"

"We shall."

And just like we glided onto the dance floor. Our bodies pressed so closely I almost though we'd merged into one, an as my hands wrapped around his neck and his found my waist; everyone else seemed to evaporate into thin air. We were in our own little bubble. Our own world, just us. Even my wolf seemed to ease into absolute peace.

I knew my love for Ryan was obvious, and that it shined through each of my actions towards him. Even my angered ones. But when it came to our wolves, we both knew they weren't meant to be with each other. An although they had accepted each other's presence and company, that was as far as their relationship could go without him marking me. Therefore decreasing my bond with my mate unless my mate took it upon himself to mark over it. This process was known to be even more painful for a female wolf, especially a Luna, than a first marking. But in this moment, this exact moment, I shoved the thoughts of marking from my head. Like any other Luna, I didn't want to be marked until marriage. And gazing up into those bright blue eyes, my wolf and his both at obvious peace with each other, I felt I was right where I needed to be. And with that said, nothing else mattered to me.

"You alright sweetheart?" Ryan whispered, his mouth so close to my ears I can't help but get a slight chill.

"I'm perfect. Never been better."


It was getting late, an if the pitch black sky wasn't enough evidence of it, the neon green letters flashing over my digital clock definitely were. It was 3:07 in the morning an I was

It was 3:07 in the morning an I was beyond exhausted, but no matter how much I tried to catch some sleep, my wolf refused to cooperate. She was restless! An it seemed as if the steady beat of Ryan's heart, which usually lulled me, was only making her more anxious.

Slowly, I managed to pull myself from Ryan without waking him and slowly made my way over to Aiden's portable crib. Checking to make sure he was still fast asleep before slipping from the room.

My wolf was now whimpering as the urge to go for a run began to overwhelm me; making the problem seemingly obvious. My wolf needed to stretch, and honestly I couldn't blame her? It'd been months since My last transition. It was a wonder how I was getting any actual sleep at all!

I hurriedly make my way down the stairs and to the front door, my steps echoing throughout the empty halls as I do. As I stepped out onto the porch, my wolf immediately took over.

Leaping from the porch she bounded towards the woods at full speed. Effortlessly maneuvering her way around trees and leaping over bushes. Ignoring the tree branches that scraped at me along the way.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as my wolf picked up speed, our paws colliding with the forest floor with a soft thud.

But she didn't respond. Instead, dodging a branch, she made a sharp turn at my favorite tree. Mud coating our fur as she pushed onward before finally halting at the river. Peering into the water I watched as the fish swam around rapidly, the moonlight seeming to only illuminate them. Pulling my gaze up I stared at the darkness across it, my heart stopping as my brown eyes connected to a set of blue ones staring back at me.

The Werewolf's Perfect Mistake: [Book2 In Adalaid Wolfe Series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon