"Where do you want to go to college Rachel? Or have you not thought about that yet?" William asks me

"I paln to go to Berkeley then study abroad for a year." I say and William looks shocked by my answer

"That's amazing, what do you want to major in?" He asks and I smile, I like talking about my future

"I want to major in journalism and mass communication." I say and they both smile and nod

"Well let's go eat!" Laraine exclaims standing up and going down the hall into another room. 

We all follow her into the room and it has a table full of food in it, the dining room. Laraine has gone all out, there is a chicken and mashed potatoes and cookies. The food looks Delicious and we all take a seat.

Me and Keaton sit across from his parents and Wesley sits by Keaton, Drew sits by Wesley. We all start eating and Laraine carries most of the conversation, I pile my plate with food. 

"You like chicken right?" Laraine asks and I chew my food before answering

"I love it." I say and she smiles, we all eat as Laraine asks the boys about their music and how their house is. Keaton finishes his food before me and puts his hand on my thigh, he leans over and whispers to me

"They like you a lot, I can tell." I smile at his words and he sits back into his seat and listens to his mom. He leaves his hand on my thigh and his hand brings a fire to my body that I love.

We finish eating and Laraine starts to clean up the plates

"Let me help!" I say standing from the chair and gathering plates

"Oh thank you!" Laraine says, I nod at her and we take the plates into the kitchen, the boys stay in the dining room as they discuss their new music.

I follow Laraine into the kitchen and over to the sink, we start washing the dishes together.

"Keaton's very infatuated with you." She surprises me by saying

"Oh he's great." I say and she smiles

"He is pretty great isn't he?" She says and we both laugh

"I'm just glad to be a part of his life." I say and she smiles

"He's lucky to have a girl like you in his life." She says smiling at me, her words make me smile

"How are the ladies doing?" I hear Drew say and I turn around, the boys found their way back to the couches and me and Laraine go and sit down. 

Keaton puts his arm around me on the couch and I lean into him, he looks down at me and smiles

"Are you having fun?" He asks nervously, I giggle at him

"I am actually your family is great." I say and he smiles

"Yeah it's cause they're related to me." He laughs and I playfully hit his arm and he pretends to be wounded. We both laugh and I look at Laraine to see she was watching our interaction smiling.

We all sit and talk for a while more, Laraine tells me she loves candles and I make a mental note to buy her one. William discusses music with me and he gives me a few bands to listen to when I'm home. I enjoy being with Keaton's family, Keaton watches me most of the time. When I look at him he looks away of course but I see him look at me out of the corner of my eye.

He smiles when I talk to his mom and dad.

"Hey should we take Rachel home now? It's 8." Drew says and Keaton nods his head

"Yeah we should get going." 

I don't really want to leave but I should get home, 

"Okay." I say and we all get up to go. Laraine and William walk us to the door and give us parting hugs.

"Goodbye Rachel, it was so nice to meet you." Laraine says hugging me

"It was great to meet you too." I say, William shakes my hand again

"Nice meeting you Rachel." He says and gives me a sincere smile

"Same to you." I say, we all leave and pile into the black car. Wesley starts the car and we pull out of the driveway.

"That went pretty good." Wesley says and Keaton wraps his hand around mine.

"Yeah it did!" Keaton agrees and I smile at him

"Your parents are great." I say and Wesley laughs

"Yeah they're alright." He says and I smile.

We listen to music the rest of the way to my house and when we pull up Wesley turns down the music.

"Bye Rachel!" Wesley says

"We'll see you soon I'm sure." Drew adds and Wesley laughs

"For sure." He says

"Bye guys." I say laughing, me and Keaton walk to my door hand in hand and he turns to me

"You were great today." Keaton says and I smile

"Your family is great." I say and he smiles and looks down

"Yeah they're okay." He says, his green eyes meet mine and he looks sad all of a sudden

"I'm going to miss you this week." He says sadly, I feel my heart drop. I always forget that I won't be able to see him everyday

"I'll miss you too." I say and Keaton wraps his arms around my waist

"I love you." He says

"I love you too." I say and he smiles before placing his lips to mine, the kiss is slow and I wrap fingers in his hair. His tongue drags along my bottom lip and I shiver, I run my tongue along his and he holds me tighter. 

Suddenly we hear a loud honk and we pull apart

"That's nasty guys!" I hear Wesley call from the car. Me and Keaton bust out laughing.

"Shut up Wes!" Keaton yells back between laughs.

"Goodbye Rachel." He says before giving me one last kiss on the lips.

"Bye Keaton." I say and he turns to leave. I go inside my house and it feels foreign to me, not like a home.

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