I take a sip of wine, "I want to be with you too. If you can let me be somewhat independent and let me find out who I am, but still be my boyfriend, I'll give it a try. But I mean you have to let me do some things my way and don't be so clingy."

"You got it. I'll do anything." We both sip our wine and as he pours more for the both of us he says, "Of course a relationship is a two way street, though."

I nod, "Yeah, I'm not saying you can never be around me or you'll never get your way. But we need to change how we used to be."

"Okay, cool," he says. We both stare into each others eyes and then he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "So this whole giving you space thing...? Can I still kiss you?" Eric's eyes squint like he's shy and embarrassed.

"Yes," I chuckle. He leans in and his breath is hot and sticky. It tastes like sweet wine and I love it. His lips are soft and rough, a little chapped but it's never felt better.

I moan into the kiss and he breaks apart just to take my hand and pull me to my feet. He starts to pull me towards my bedroom but I quickly take a gulp of wine from the bottle and then let him lead the way.

When we reach my bed he sits me down and lays his lips back on mine. We slowly start to tip backwards and now I'm on my back and he's on top of me by support of his big, strong arms.

He kicks off his shoes and rubs his right hand up and down my body. I quickly unzip his jacket and throw it off so that he's left in just his muscle shirt.

Man do I love his muscle shirts.

He sits me back up so that he can pull off my shirt. For the few seconds our lips were apart he managed to ask, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I nod rapidly. Before I could take another breath he's right back on me unbuttoning my jeans. I pick my hips up so he can pull them off.

"You're beautiful," he mumbles against my skin. I get chills from the kisses he places along my stomach and neck. I can only moan in response.

I reach under his shirt and feel his hard abs. I tug on the bottom of his shirt indicating I want it off. He sits back on his knees and swiftly pulls it over his head.

I start to undo the buttons on his jeans which he gladly helps me with. Before he pulls his jeans down he pulls a small package out of his back pocket. Eric places it between his lips while shaking off the rest of his pants.

In all the heat and romance, somehow his boxers and my underwear were off and he had the condom on.

The last thing he was taking off was my bra. I pulled my hair to one side to make it easier for him.

Even though my bra was off, his eyes never left mine. It was sweet because it showed me that he wasn't in this for my body, but for me because he loves me.

Our lips danced together for a couple minutes longer until he finally asked, "Ready?"

I run my finger down his nose and let it linger on his bottom lip.

"Mhm," I hum with a nod.

"Keep your eyes on me, okay?" he whispers.

"Okay," I nod again.

I look into those beautiful grey eyes. I see lust and compassion. Who knew you could tell so much about a person just from their eyes?

"Oh, Eric," I moan when I feel him enter me. I can't help but tip my head back and close my eyes in pleasure.

"Eyes on me baby," Eric's hot breath whispers.

I force myself to look back at him. I have to bite my lip just from keeping myself from looking away again.

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