Chapter 26

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"She was your sister!?" I blurt out.

It's not until he gives me a weird look that I realize what I had just said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sam. It's just, I've heard of her and I am just shocked that you're her brother," I try to play it cool.

He nodded. "Yeah, she was uh, she was pushed off of a train during her initiation. She was following my footsteps in leaving Erudite and coming to Dauntless but she never had the chance to make it through."

"So you guys were close?"

"Very. And because she came to Dauntless to follow me, I can't help but think that it's my fault she's dead. If she would've just stayed in Erudite she would've had a better life."

"But she loved you and would never want you to live with the guilt," I tell Sam.

"Yeah, I know," he sighs, "and I've made peace with the leader. I hated him for a couple weeks after the accident but I found him one night on the roof and we talked and I found out the truth and now, we're alright. We don't hate each other anymore, in fact we grab a beer together every once in a while."

"I have a confession," I blurt again.

He turns his head to look at me, waiting for me to speak.

I take a deep breath and say, "I know about your sister because the leader I'm in love with is the same man your sister loved."

He doesn't seem too surprised by what I said, he just nods and says, "I figured."

"What? You knew?" I question.

"I mean, if you weren't into Eric, you'd either be into the older leaders or the girls... and you don't seem like the type," he smirked at me.

"So why didn't you just tell me?"

"Well if I would've told you it would've ruined the fun."

"What fun?"

"The fun of seeing you again. And it seemed better to just leave it."

We both just smiled at each other.

"Alright I have a confession too," he starts. I look at him with a smile and raised eyebrows. He looks back at his hands. "When I first saw you crying in that hallway I was hoping to hook up with you."

I raise my eyebrows at him and he looks worried, "I mean I wanted to maybe ask you out not like hook up for sex! I thought you were really cute and then you told me you were into 2 different guys and I thought to myself 'damn she's got a list.'" We both laughed.

"Sorry to disappoint you buddy but, I've already got 2 guys on my plate."

He chuckles, "Yeah I know but if anything ever does change you know like neither of the guys work out, I don't think I'll ever reject a pretty girl like you." We both laugh jokingly.

"Wow, you are one hell of a flirter, aren't you?"

"Well I gotta leave a mark somehow. Or I could leave a nice mark on your neck," he gives me a sly smile and leans in.

"You could, but then one of my boyfriends would have to leave a mark on your neck, but that would be kind of hard to recover from," I smirk and lean in too.

He sighs and leans back, "It was worth a try."

I laugh, "Yeah neither Four or Eric would have another guy leaving a hickey on my body."

"Ok so you know what they would think but it's not their body. What do you think about it?"

"I think I just met you and we can stick to being just friends."

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