70 Saturday morning

Start from the beginning

A small smile played around his mouth. "You don't sound very glad."

Yuna clenched her fist and groaned annoyed: "Don't get on my nerves, okay?"

"Okay." The singer raised his hands soothingly. "I'm sorry."

"Good night, Wataru-san. We'll see us tomorrow evening."

The girl wanted to close her bedroom door, but Wataru forestalled her. He grabbed her left wrist and pulled her through the door frame in the corridor. Taken by surprise, Yuna let him grant until her face came to stand directly in front of his. Perplexed, she stared into his captivating eyes. Their noses almost touched. In slow motion, he came closer.

Yuna's heart pounded wildly in her chest. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. It would happen. Finally. She closed her eye and waited for the touch of his lips.

"Come on. Get out of bed, you sloth!"

The blue-haired rolled onto her back. "Wata...? What the hell?" Irritated she blinked the sleep from her eye.

Ayumi leaned down to her. "Oh, did we dream something nice?", she grinned.

"Not at all.", grumbled Yuna and pulled the blanket over her head.

The older one snatched it away from her. "Come on. Get up. It's eleven o'clock."

"So what?"

"We have big plans for today." The redhead walked to the window and opened the curtains.

The girl rolled onto her side and turned her back on her roommate. "You've got plans. I'm just going to a concert."

"No, you don't. First, you'll take a bath. Then we go shopping. After that to the manicure, the spa and then to the concert at the Pitstop.", enumerated Ayumi.

"I don't need a manicure."

The roommate came back over to the futon. "Blue. Your nails look horrible. And some color wouldn't hurt you."

"I don't like this stuff.", groaned the huntress.

"Blue. I'm not going to take a stubborn child with me tonight, but a spruced, young woman. Get up already."

The blue-haired moaned long and loud. She could kill Ayumi with few effort, or at least beat her unconscious, and then comfortably sleep on. Resigned, she struggled to her feet and shuffled yawning into the hallway.

"You have three minutes for your toilet break. Then you go to the bathroom.", decided the redhead.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't piss me off."

"I'm going to stop the time." Carefully, Ayumi folded the blanket and put it into the closet. Yuna showed her the middle finger. "So not a morning person."

Over the next hour, Ayumi chased the huntress from the toilet to the bathroom, because she had been reading a manga there, trying to buy some time.

In the bathroom, the blue-haired was driven from the wash area into the tub, then back into her room.

The older woman had sometime in between even found time to prepare a white tanktop, jeans hot pants and a pair of black high-top chucks from her clothes fundus for Yuna. The clothes were cool, but not really to Yuna's taste. She longed for her school uniform. To save time, Ayumi tied a ponytail with the girl's hair. The huntress felt not at all like herself right now. The thought of killing Ayumi appeared to Yuna more and more tempting.

The redhead had also dressed herself up with a white crop top, a high-waisted, pastel-pink miniskirt and sandals – of course with heels. The younger had to admit that her friend possessed a wide knowledge of fashionable things, as far as she could tell.

When they finally stood in front of the pension, the mood of the huntress lay somewhere around -273.15 ° C, the absolute zero. Her roommate in comparison looked totally happy.

Grinning broadly, she said: "See? It wasn't that bad."

"Just wait until I snap your neck.", hissed Yuna.

"What?" The redhead pricked her ears. "Did you say something?"


Ayumi hailed a taxi. They got in together and drove to the largest shopping center in the city. Yuna wished that she had already her cell phone and her headphones back, so this afternoon would be at least a little bit bearable. She would rather fight against an army of beasts with chopsticks, than go on a shopping tour with Ayumi. That would have been way more fun.

The redhead chattered almost constantly with Yuna, who slowly got a headache. How could someone be so unbearably annoying and not notice it?

It would be so easy, she could crush her throat, or throw her out of the cab. Then she would be hiding at Yoshiro's, and would never speak again a word with other women for the rest of her life.

Well, now Yuna had to laugh.

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