Chapter 21-Improvements Made

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21.Improvements Made

The next morning, the circus was in a furious storm as they began to pack up. It took all day and the next before the circus was even ready to try to move. It took several more hours to pack all the animals into moving cages and transport them to their new home. Next we had to unpack everything, which took another two days!

When the circus was all ready for the show that night, Ringmaster took Robi, our parents, Dr. Jason, John, Anna, Annie, and me to the hotel for a little tour. There were two huge wings, which was perfect for dividing the animal-kids from the kid-kids. There were two big rooms for teaching classes; plus, thousands of bedrooms too. The fact I found awesome since most animal-kids would have trouble walking at first, was the handrails everywhere!

My parents would be the teachers and John the principle; so I didn't get on his bad side. John and Anna would also help the animal-kids become used to being human again. Dr. Jason would defiantly become the doctor, while Robi and I would be the ones to search for more kids like us.

The school opened after we had performed a few days there. It was wonderful to see the bustle of kids around; but so far, there was only normal kids.

Dr. Jason improved the shots more; so now they would last a week at most. Robi and I became the testers; so I got a lot of human time. Our father taught us math, English, spelling, science, and history for the week before the shot finally wore off.

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