68 The way of the sword

Start from the beginning


They circled each other. "You have become faster. It's discreet, but I noticed it. Did you kill a strong Oni?"

"I think there were two strong Oni. One was very big. The other seemed to ... talk with Tirr.", explained the girl.

Yoshiro raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Then he was probably about to turn humanoid."

"In the shadow realm, I had to fight against a winged Oni called Xi.", said the girl.

"I don't know him. Would you tell me more about your trip to the amusement park?"

"Maybe." A broad smile appeared on Yuna's face. "If you can defeat me."

Yoshiro grinned. He rushed towards his student.

"Oh ... and I rescued Mai's soul."

The eyes of her mentor looked in surprise before Yuna's sword hit him on the side of his head.

"Damn!", he swore as he rubbed the sore spot.

"Distraction." The girl smiled, feigning innocence.

"Yeah, sure. I would say "Well done.", but it hurts like fuck."


The Oni looked at her. "How do you know that you saved Mai's soul?"

"I was there. After Tirr had wounded me, I lost consciousness. I found myself in a forest, where I discovered Mai. She had been hiding from the beasts. I brought her home."

He frowned. "That was a dream."

"No. I had the same experience after Tirr's attack. I met mother and Ayu. She talked to me, and told me that they were dead, but I was still alive and would be there only temporary."

"Yuna. These are only dreams."

Gloomy, the girl looked at him. "If you don't want to believe me, fine."

"I just can't imagine something like this."

"You of all people?! You live for centuries in a world full of wonders and don't believe that such a thing would be possible?"

He shrugged. "Okay. Then explain to me how the other souls had been freed."

Yuna sighed. "Father killed the Oni that had killed mother. I think that I killed Ayu's Oni after the explosion. And I recognized this Oni. It was at our house with Tirr. It had killed Mai."

Even Yoshiro had to admit that this explanation was conclusive. "Good. I believe you."

Puzzled, blinked the blue-haired. "Really?"

"Yes. I have seen a lot weirder things. Perhaps this comes from your half-demon heritage."

"Don't call it like that."

"We have to call it somewhat."

Her eye darkened. "No. We don't talk about it."

"Fine. Whatever." The mentor shrugged.

They continued to fight each other. Yoshiro had to admit that his pupil could handle herself pretty well with the sword. He had accompanied her to three Kendo tournaments as a spectator and watched her during the competition. She was not good enough to win back then, but she should be able to handle herself with the knowledge she possessed.

After the combat training, Yuna cleaned her father's sword for the first time under guidance. She had previously watched him a few times doing it, but she didn't remember it so complicated and time-consuming.

At first she had to completely pollinate the blade with limestone powder, then rub it with rice paper to remove all powder, oil and debris, and then she had to put on a fine layer of clove oil with a fresh rice paper.

All in all, she needed almost an hour until Yoshiro was satisfied with her work.

"And don't forget. After each use and at least once a week you should maintain your sword."

"I think I should rather stick to firearms.", moaned the girl.

"Oh. These should be cleaned after each use too, otherwise they may break."

"Why couldn't I get claws or super strength as power?"

Impish, Yoshiro grinned at her. "Well. Or you choose a normal life and save yourself all the cleaning."

The high school student grimaced. "No way."

She put the sword back on the table, next to the Wakizashi of her father.

"When will we go hunting again?, asked the blue-haired.

"I'll let you know when I find something."

"Hey ... listen ..."

Carefully, the Oni looked at his protege. "Yeah?"

Yuna thought about how she should ask him. As she noticed his gaze, she said: "Ayumi wants to go to a concert with me tomorrow night."


"Is that okay?"

Yoshiro grunted, then laughed gaily. The girl drew critically her eyebrows together and stared at him during his laughter attack.

"What's so funny?", she growled.

"You don't have to ask me for permission."

"Well." Yuna looked at her hands, while her fingers played with each other. "I just thought ... because you're my legal guardian."

"I trust you. You will be good."

"That's not the point. Probably I'm too young. That's forbidden."

An amused snort left the mouth of her mentor. "Don't worry so much. I like it, if you are doing things that normal teenagers do."

"I ... okay. I just wanted you to know. Have you perhaps found my phone? I would like it back, so that I can write to my friend Hikari."

Yoshiro drove thoughtfully through his tousled hair. "We could go through your stuff together."

"Okay. Let's do that on Sunday."

"Good. I'll see you on Sunday."

Yuna came over to him and hugged her "uncle". The Oni warmly hugged her back and got a big smile.

"Don't tell me, you cuddle me voluntarily, monster?", he marveled.

"Don't fuck with me, Oni."

"Roger that."

She pulled away and smiled at him. "See you."

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