Start from the beginning

Me: And Starlie, have you run Hector yet? C’mon girl, you know you need to!

Starlie: Um... No. No I haven’t. I want to but every time I dial that number I just get ... I dunno, I can never go through with the call. I’ll do it...Eventually.

Me: @Rose1510 has asked two questions, one for Sky and one for Tony. Tony, do you still have feelings for Noel –even if it just a little bit?

Tony: Do I have to answer this question? Pepper’s here!

Me: Yes Tony, you need to answer the question.

Tony: *Sigh* Fine then. Yes, I do still have some feelings for Noel, but that doesn’t mean I love Pepper any less. It’s natural to still have feelings for an ex. Was that good enough?

Me: Yeah, I guess. And for Sky, what are your powers?

Sky: Like Hawkeye and Black Widow, I don’t necessarily have powers. I specialised in stealth hand to hand combat like Hawkeye is the number one marksman in the world, you know?

Me: Another question for Noel from @lolangelz, Noel are you angry because you don’t have a clean slate with the rest of the Avengers?

Noel: Of course I’m angry! *The rest of the Avengers shift awkwardly in their chairs.* I keep explaining myself over and over, trying to set things right with all of them but the majority of them don’t listen. But I guess I can’t blame them –I’d probably do the same thing if I were in their shoes.

Me: @avengingauthor has a question for pretty much everyone so, first of all, Tony; are you ever going to take Noel back? Pepper is not who you are meant to be with.

Tony: Unless something happens between Pepper and I, and we break up, I don’t see myself starting up a relationship with anybody else any time soon.
*Tony leans back in his chair, annoyed.* Why do you guys keep asking about my feelings? Seriously, can you just deal with the fact that I’m with Pepper Potts now?

Me: Steve; Okay man, not believing in your friend is cruel. And breaking up with your girlfriend because she did have faith is even worse. Why did you become like this?

Steve: *Shifts awkwardly and looks at Sky before looking back at me, the interviewer.* I know that it seems cruel and unfair, and that I seem very out of character, so to speak, but I needed some time to myself to figure everything out, and that’s something you can’t do when you’re in a relationship, I feel.

Me: Starlie; Can you stop hating Noel? I mean, how would you feel if the Enchantress hurt you all the time so that you could fix a teleportation device?

Starlie: I hate who I want! *Starlie gets up and storms out of the room.*

Me: Oh. Well... Let’s just move onto Pepper; Stop it. Stop it. Can you just leave Tony?

Pepper: Nope. I will not leave Tony. Sorry if that inconveniences you in any way, shape or form. *Pepper reaches over and holds Tony’s hand.*

Me: Noel; Are you okay? This all seems to be hitting you pretty hard. I hope this all goes well.

Noel: I’m as okay as I can be. But thank you for asking and thank you for caring J

Me: Clint; Did you give up on your sister? The truth.

Clint: I’m sorry sis. But admittedly, yes. I did give up on her but only once. And when I did I felt so guilty that I immediately went back to believing in her.

Me: from Peachy912, for Fury of all people! I think this is our first question for Director Fury. How do you become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D if you don’t have super powers or you aren’t a master assassin? Is it like a Men In Black thing or what?

Fury: Basically, the majority of our agents have had another family member in the agency before they’ve joined. S.H.I.E.L.D has been around since the ‘40s so it’s almost like a family legacy.
We also go around looking for people if we’re low on agents, and most of the time, we snoop around orphanages for children who look like they’d make good agents. It’s harsh, I’ll admit, but orphans really do make the best agents.
That’s all I can really say.

Me: Thanks Fury. That was great. And I think that wraps up the entire interview for this book. I’ll see you guys at the end of Book 4 for the complete wrap up interview!
*all character’s groan, we have to do this again?!*

[1] This is a reference to @thekind0m’s competition entry called Love and Other Narcotics. If you haven’t read it yet you can read it here: http://www.wattpad.com/story/3997270-love-and-other-narcotic

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