Chapter 35: Chicago

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Chapter 35: Chicago

~~~~~~~~~~~{Noel’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~


“So, what are we going to do? Steve’s not here and we need a plan.” Natasha flicked the jet on autopilot and swung around in her chair. “I guess we should appoint a temporary leader while the Captain is out.”

“Who do you suggest?” Clint chimed in.

It was a good question; who was going to take up Steve’s position as leader? A team –especially one as delicate and volatile as the Avengers – needed some form of leader. Sure, we had Director Fury on the Hellicarrier, but we needed a combat leader. In the Battle of New York it had been a clear choice, even if no one had elected him leader. Steve was a soldier. He knew how to fight, how to move his troops into situations and get them out with the best results. Before that, it seemed like Tony was going to be leader. He was charismatic and fun; he also commanded the attention of everyone through his enormous presence. He has a bit of battle experience being Iron Man, but there are a few problems with Tony being leader: People get sick of him very easily. He also picks fights with everyone.

Clint is good at following orders, but not giving them; he’s a spy. It’s not his nature to command large groups. That’s the same for Natasha.

I wasn’t going to be leader that much was obvious. I wasn’t well liked at the moment. I also had unruly, unpredictable powers that could take anyone out at not so much as a moment’s notice. And the only reason I was even on this mission was because Fury had to keep Steve away. They couldn’t have numbers down. But I do understand why Fury pulled him out of this mission: Hydra ‘killed’ him. They think Steve is dead and they’re waiting for me to make an appearance.

I had a feeling that this battle wasn’t going to be the end of Hydra’s endeavours, so Steve would be our dark horse; the one that made an appearance when we needed him most. The others had figured that out too, thankfully, and weren’t horrified by my tagging along on the mission.

“Should we have a vote or something?” Sky asked as she was cleaning out the barrel of one of her guns.
“Good idea.” I chirped up. “I vote for Sky.”

“What?” Sky looked up and her face was a stone carved with etchings of shock and denial.

In my eyes, she was the obvious choice. Clint and Natasha didn’t give out orders. People get sick of listening to Tony. Bruce can’t exactly command us if he’s a screaming green rage monster. I’m not likeable and my powers are too volatile. Starlie might not be able to keep a level head in her semi-Hulk state. Thor would be too busy battling in the sky’s above us to call the shots on the ground.

Sky, however, was a spy but wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and boss people around. People loved her; they’d follow her in to the pits of Hades if she asked them nice enough. She didn’t have any powers. She was a great spy that could adapt to any situation.

“No. I can’t command you guys.” Sky shook her head.

“Yes you can!” I insisted, the others looked like I was going a bit loopy. “Guys, hear me out. No offence to any of you, but I’m just going to list the reasons why we shouldn’t be leaders. Widow and Hawkeye take orders; they’re not good at dishing them out. Thor’s too focused on the sky to call the shots on the ground. Starlie and Bruce can’t give orders when they’re in their Hulk states. My powers are way too volatile to trust and let’s be honest; I’m not exactly the most popular person on this team right now. Sky is trustworthy and she can adapt to different situations.”

After receiving a multitude of confused looks and disapproving frowns, they all seemed to realise I was right. Until Tony spoke up.

“Hey, what about me?” He exclaimed.
“I thought that was obvious.” I rolled my eyes. “People get sick of you very quickly and people don’t want a leader that picks fights with his troops.”

After it looked like he was going to argue, Tony closed his mouth and shrugged, nodding, ceding to the idea of Skylar being our leader.

“I agree.” Thor boomed, “Skylar would make a wonderful leader.”
Skylar started blushing and shaking her head. “No, guys I can’t.”
“Yes you can.” Tony put his metal-covered hands on her shoulders and they seemed to slump under the weight. “We believe in you.”


By the time we were hovering over Chicago, we were having a bit of trouble finding a place to land. Not to mention, Fury’s description of an abandoned warehouse was a little bit off.

It was a high school. And it wasn’t even a public school with a standard lay out and long hallways –nope, instead it was a full on, state of the art private school.

Well. At least Tony could foot the bill of destruction.

“What do we do, boss?” I asked, the back of the quinjet was open so we could see the layout of the school. Four huge buildings; two on one side of the football field and two on the other. There was also a slightly smaller, but wider building at the foot of the field which I assumed was the gymnasium.

The building right at the back of the school was crawling with Hydra agents, but there were also agents crawling around the gym and a building at the front of the school. Three different buildings. We needed to split up.

“Well. Looks like we have to split up.” Sky said. “Okay. Thor, Bruce and Starlie take the gym. Natasha, Clint and I will take the front building. Tony and Noel take the back building. If you get into trouble, pull out immediately and call for help. The closest team will come and help. If you find Klaus Adler, take him alive. We need to question him. If you find any of his plans or anything that looks valuable, take it. I’ll see you all on the other side of this.”


Author's Note: Hey guys! So sorry it took so long for this update, I'm pretty sick right now so writing was hard :/ Hope this was okay though! 
This marks the first installment of the epic six part conclusion to Metallic Lights! 

So, only 5 chapters until the end. And you're gonna need plush toys, chocolate and tissues by the end of it, I think. But that's just me, so I don't know. 

Also, any more questions for Noel, Starlie, Sky and the Avengers? I've been getting some pretty great questions lately so keep 'em coming! 

Next update will hopefully be this weekend :) 
*Huggles -promises not to cough on you-* Arielle.

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