Chapter 37: Soldier Down (Part 1)

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Chapter 37: Soldier Down (Part 1)

~~~~~~~~~~~{Noel’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~


The moment we got off that jet, I must have switched into overdrive. I remember everything happening in slow motion, I can still hear the noises of gunfire, explosions, yelling –but I can remember one sound over all the rest; the rapid thump-thumps of my heart pumping blood around my body.

I can remember the icy chill of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I fought and as I saw...

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Tony and I were supposed to take the back building – the one with absolutely no soldiers crawling around it or strange blue lights pulsating out of windows. For a moment I thought that we were going to have the easy job –that we’d secure the building in under five minutes and then go hang out at the jet, get ready for a distress call or a quick get a way plan.

I guess I jinxed myself looking back on how I thought it would be. I guess I jinxed him too.

“You take the back door, I take the front door?” I suggested.
“Too obvious.” Tony’s helmet shook from side to side in response. I hadn’t heard the metallic-coating of his voice in the suit since our first fight together in New York –hard to believe that was almost two years ago now.

“Fine. You take the top of the building; I’ll take the ground levels.” I said.
“You’re saying I get to break in via the ceiling?” He double checked.
“Don’t tell me you’re having a mortality break-through in the middle of a fight.” I almost laughed.
“Just double checking that I have permission to do this.” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice before he jumped into the air (which I had no idea how he did considering all the metal he was wearing), started up the beams on his feet and flew onto the roof.

Despite the lack of soldiers, I still took normal protocol and snuck up to the front door. The moment I felt the wall behind my back as I leaned on it, waiting for anyone to notice me, I noticed that I was stereotypically holding a gun up, ready to aim and fire at anything that moved.
But I didn’t need guns anymore –why had I even bothered bringing them? I asked myself before I switched the safety back on and put the gun back in one of my many holsters.

After a few moments I heard an muffled explosion above me and took that as my un-prepared signal to storm into the building because Tony had just broken in through the ceiling.

Again, in hindsight –that was such a bad idea.

I took a deep breath and felt a strange but familiar warmth rush to my finger tips –without even looking I knew that they were pulsing a bright blue colour. I held a hand up to the glass of one of the doors and it shuddered before cracking and shattering so I could stick my hand through the window and open the door from the inside.

The school, quite honestly, had either had their alarm system disarmed by this army crawling over the grounds, or had the most terrible security system I’d ever come across.
And it was a private school too –how embarrassing.

After getting passed the doors, I found Tony standing around in the middle of a hallway.

“Anything?” I whispered. He helmet-covered-head shook and he gave a little shrug as if to say ‘I guess we got the easy job.’

And then the ground started moving. Well, moving isn’t exactly the right word. It was more like the section of floor that Tony was standing on completely dropped out from underneath him and he slid out of sight.

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