Chapter 3: Tracking

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Chapter 3: Tracking

                        //6 Months After Noel’s Disappearance//

                   ~~~~~~~~~~~{Sky’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

Over the next few days, I spoke to Steve regularly on the phone and we organised to meet up when he got back from the S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters on Friday. He’d left for a training week the day after I left for London.

I also spoke to Thor, he was still on Earth. He hadn’t return to Asgard after the Avengers had been disbanded, mainly because his father was running out of dark magic to use to beam him down to Earth. He thought it was best to stay here, in case Enchantress returned, even though Enchantress was in Asgard –but he knew he could count on his warriors to protect his home if need be.

“Do you think it’s possible?” I asked after Tony had finished explaining to Thor and Jane our idea. It was simple really –well, in Tony’s eyes it was- we just needed to track dark magic particles, which meant using the light waves it used when they appeared to build a device that could pick them up from anywhere in the world by using satellites (and Tony Stark had plenty of those).  

Thor nodded thoughtfully and glanced at Jane who was frowning. “It’s a long shot, but it could work.” Jane finally said. “We’d need your help, of course.”

“Of course.” Tony agreed. “How soon can we begin?”

“Now.” Thor and Jane said in sync.

I couldn’t help but smile at the couple. They’d grown closer than even in the six months Thor had spent on Earth with no interruptions. They’d barely left New Mexico, unless need be, like those few dozen times Jane had been summoned by Dr. Selvig –who was now working permanently at S.H.I.E.L.D studying Tesseract energy. The Tesseract may not have been in the humans’ possession any longer, but Thor permitted S.H.I.E.L.D to continue studying the energy and previous results to come up with a thesis on what it actually did and why.

“Perfect.” I replied before Tony could even think about opening his mouth.


Friday came around fast, so when I heard the elevator ding at six o’clock, I shoved my feet into my Converse sneakers and sprinted to the door where Steve was waiting for me with my favourite flowers.

“Steve!” I grinned and launched myself into his arms, planting a kiss on his lips. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.” He leaned down to kiss me again before putting me down and handing the flowers to me. “These are for you.”

“Orange roses!” I exclaimed, bringing them to my face to smell their sweet scent. “How did you know?”

Steve smirked and shrugged. “I had a hunch.”

“I love them, thank you.” I stretched up on my tip-toes to kiss him...until we were interrupted by Stark.

“Capsicle!” Tony greeted. “How was S.H.I.E.L.D HQ?”

“It was fine, Tony. They have a new training facility, you should check it out.” Steve told him.

“Are you suggesting something?” Tony frowned, his hands poking his own stomach. “Am I getting fat?”

I laughed at him, unable to hold it in and Steve rolled his eyes, holding in his chuckles –the only thing giving him away was the tiny twitch in his lips trying to curve up into a smile.

“I’m going out, Tony; do you think you can hold down the fort while I’m gone?” I asked, putting the flowers on my desk in the lab.

“Sure. Have fun kiddo.” Tony replied, ruffling my hair. “And be safe! We don’t need any mini-super-soldiers running around just yet.”

“That’s implying we’ll have kids in the future.” I frowned.

I hadn’t thought about.

I had only just realised that just then, I had never actually thought about my future, which could possibly involve Steve. I loved him, I had told him that, repeatedly. But would we ever move in together? Would we get engaged? Would we get married, have children and grow old together?

I wasn’t going to lie, the future daunted me. It scared me even. But thinking about those kind of things...with wasn’t scary at all.

And I realised that I wanted that. I wanted that life with Steve Rogers.

I wanted to be Skylar Rogers.

I smiled and took Steve’s hand as we rode the elevator down to the lobby.

“What are you smiling about?” He asked. My happiness must have been contagious, because he was smiling too.

“Nothing, just...thinking.” I told him truthfully.

He squeezed my hand lovingly and my stomach did back flips in joy. “About what?”

“About the future.”

* * *

Author's Note: Hey guys! Double upload today. I'm working on chapter 5 right now so chapter 4 will be up some time tomorrow, I promise.

What do you think? Do you actually think Sky and Steve will go the distance and get married sometime during the series? Or is it just Skylar being a love-struck nineteen year old?

Do you think Tony and Sky's plan will work? We know that tracking radiation worked in the Avengers (and Metallic Charms) to find Loki, can they find Enchantress with the same idea?

Where do you actually see this book going? There are going to be around 46 chapters (including prologue and epilogue) in this book so what do you think they will be filled with?

Sorry for the insane amount of questions, but I'm really curious about what you guys think :)

Next upload will be tomorrow!

Until then, comment, vote, like!

*huggles* arielleblack.

Metallic Lights {Metallic Charms Book #3}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora