Chapter 7: Projecting Light

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Chapter 7: Projecting Light


//8 Months After Noel’s Disappearance//

~~~~~~~~~~~{Noel’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

Eight months of working on this damn bi-frost and I was finally getting close.

I was so close I could taste it –I could taste Earth, all the things I missed. Like chocolate and all the foods they didn’t have here in Asgard. All the people too. And the sounds. I was so used to living in New York, the city that never slept, but in Asgard –even during the day- it was too quiet. Like everyone tip-toed around and whispered to each other.

Heimdall was a decent companion, but he didn’t talk much. And even when he did, it was to tell me I wasn’t fixing the bi-frost right or he was telling me about some new vision of earth. I understood why he told me, he used to be able to see Earth all the time, but now the visions only came in his dreams or –rarely- during the day. He got excited when it happened, like he was getting little pieces of himself back every time he saw Earth.

But mostly it just made me depressed. I didn’t want to think about Earth. I didn’t want to think about the people I’d left behind, I didn’t want to know if that were hurt or if they didn’t care or if they’d started move on.

So I threw myself into work, and I was getting close to finishing it. I only had two problems.
Problem number one: I had no idea what I was going to do after I fixed the bi-frost –would I go back? Or would I stay here with Amora? Remake myself into a reformed Asgaridan citizen.
Problem number two (and the one I was most worried about): I couldn’t figure out how to join the bi-frost’s cosmic energy threads back together.

From what I could tell, and from the information supplied to me by Heimdall, the bi-frost ran on cosmic energy, and the threads were joined with a special kind of light.
I’d showed Heimdall my powers and he’d told me I had the right kind of photon cells, but I just couldn’t project enough of it to join all the threads and to kick start the energy needed to supply the bi-frost. I’d asked if I could do a series of light projections, but it wasn’t possible. It needed to be fixed in one shot.

About four days after Heimdall had told me all of that, I got my idea.

It was a terrible, horrific idea that may get me killed, maimed or imprisoned, but it was my only chance.

There was only one other person who was within a reasonable distance to me who could project enough photon cells –and teach me how to do it.

And I had the feeling, that he was definitely not going to help me –but it was worth a shot.

I had to break into Loki’s cell.

* * *

Author's Note: Hey guys! Really short, I know, I'm sorry! I'm also really sorry I haven't updated in a while, school as been a bit more hectic than I was expecting.

Anyway! How did you like this chapter? It was a bit boring and not much happened but I promise, the next chapter is going to have taunts, action and possibly Loki making a reappearance -this should be fun!

I can't wait to start writing it!

Okay, so next update should be up by the end of the week.
Until then, comment, vote, like!
*huggles* arielleblack

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