Chapter 20: Loosing It

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Chapter 20: Loosing It

~~~~~~~~~~~{Starlie’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

This had to be one of the worst days of my life. I’m talking top five, at least. How could something like this just happen? Completely out of the blue, in the middle of nowhere and in the middle of the day!

Why was New Mexico the hot spot for Asgardian activity? Why couldn’t they just pop up in the Bahamas or Hawaii, or even Australia? Would it kill them to have a landing site that wasn’t so sandy that evidence literally blew away with the wind within five minutes?

Asgardians, I thought, always trouble.

Two days ago, Tony and Thor had walked straight into the middle of S.H.I.E.L.D HQ in New York with smiles plastered on their smug faces and Noel Barton handcuffed and muzzled in between them.

“We got her!” Tony exclaimed. “Allow me to re-introduce, former S.H.I.E.L.D Agent and Avenger, the ever so elusive and sneaky, Noel Claire Willow Barton. You are welcome, Director Fury.”
Thankfully, everyone had just been dismissed from a briefing on the strange Hydra evidence that had been popping up everywhere, and the Avengers hadn’t been there. But when they’d turned up, it was like the world was ending because they’d bought in the number one person on the agency’s most wanted list.

It took less than four hours for Noel to be transferred to the more secure headquarters in an undisclosed location, so secret only Fury and Hill were allowed to know where it was. The Avengers had been informed that they had found her and they were now in the process of interrogating her. Or, at least they were trying. From the footage Widow and I had been allowed to see, Barton was being silent and very, very disobedient. She’d already taken out three of the agency’s top guards in an attempt to escape, but Fury always caught her. Always.

“Fury, come on, you know I can get something out of her.” Natasha held a phone to her ear before frowning at Tony who was spinning around on a desk chair throwing popcorn into the air before catching it in his mouth.

“Oh! Sixty for sixty!” He exclaimed.

Let that be a definition for how bored we were. None of us were allowed to see, talk or even listen in on Noel and Fury or Hill’s conversations unless we were authorised.

And two hours ago, my dad had been authorised to see her for a psychological evaluation. The results, while confidential to us, didn’t sound like they were too good if Natasha thought she was the only one to get something out of her.

“I don’t care if she’s dangerous!” Romanoff snapped before swearing a string of words that were probably Russian curses. She slammed the phone down onto the bench and I heard the screen crack. Seventh one in a month, new record.

“Tash, you gotta calm down.” Tony tried to reason with her.
“Calm down?” Clint butted in. “Calm down? Are you out of your mind Tony? You arrested my sister! And from the sounds of it, she’s jumped straight off the deep end during her time with the Enchantress! And I’m not allowed to see her, neither is Sky or Natasha –the only ones who still care about her, can’t help her at all! And it’s all your fault!”

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