Chapter 38: Wishing for Back Up

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Chapter 38: Wishing for Back Up

~~~~~~~~~~~{Sky’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~


Being team leader SUCKED.

I envied Steve Rogers with every fibre of my being right now –the ass got to sit on the hellicarrier, safe and snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug while we busted out butts cracking this...this...Hydra Scumbag Cell.

He was probably sitting with a snuggie draped over him, holding a cup of coffee while watching us on a monitor. Asshole.

“Sky, you alright?” Clint asked. “Still with us?”
“Yeah, yeah of course.” I nodded a little bit too much, either making it look like I loved being team leader, or that I had just doomed us all and was trying to cover it up.
At that moment, I wasn’t a hundred per cent sure that the latter was true or false.

I watched Bruce, Thor and Starlie stealthily scamper to their building at the end of the football field –it definitely looked like the school’s gymnasium. Bruce hadn’t hulked up yet, which kind of worried me –was he going to have trouble with that or what? Rumour had it that Bruce had the Hulk completely under control now and could switch it off and on like a light switch. But the Avengers had only seen him do that once –in the Battle of New York. Would he be able to it again under this pressure?

And what about Thor? Was he going to be okay taking out all of these mortal human beings? And Starlie? Sure, she was tough, but I had no doubt that this would flick her Hulk switch too, and she couldn’t control that yet –what if she did something she ended up regretting?

A few minutes later, Noel and Tony deployed themselves. They were less stealthy than Bruce, Thor and Starlie, but they were still quiet –even if I could see that they were talking and joking around –probably even flirting with each other knowing their personalities.
Apart of me frowned at them –shame on Tony for flirting with Noel when he was spoken-for. Shame on Noel for flirting with him after she knew he was a taken man, and for promising herself and me that she was well and truly over Tony Stark.
But there was another, rather large part of me that wanted to squeal with delight at the sight of those two finally getting along together –finally getting back to normal.

Sure, I hadn’t seen them together for very long –and they hadn’t been together very long before they’d broken up. But it was so blatantly obvious that they were perfect for each other that it hurt to see them so edgy and guarded around one another.

“Boss, we better get going.” Widow nudged me and pointed to the gym –Thor was already lighting it up with all the bolts, and from the crunching noises, I had a hunch that either one of the Banners had hulked up already.
It was all quiet on Tony and Noel’s end. I took that as a good sign.

“Sure.” I nodded. “How are we getting in?” I asked as we stood in front of our building. There were no agents crawling around it like Bruce’s, but there were definitely people inside it from all the pulsating blue lights we could see.

“I’m thinking we use a smoke bomb, try scattering them and drawing them outside.” Hawkeye suggested.
“Nah.” Widow shook her head, red curls bouncing everywhere. “Outside, there’s too much area to cover. They might see the commotion going on with Hulk, Iolar and Thor –and Iron Man and, uh...” I think it hit us all then that Noel didn’t have another identity. We either called her Noel or...Noel. She had nothing else. What did we call her? We couldn’t risk someone listening in on us and discovering one of us.

Noel had been a ghost in the Battle of New York –miraculously, no one had caught her face on camera. On that day, she’d been the mysterious seventh member of the Avengers.
And then she’d just...disappeared. Like a ghost.

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