Twenty-Three -

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(Y/N)'s POV

The smell of something baking woke me up.

Max was gone. That and his side of the bed was made with the throw pillows and everything.

I crawl out of bed and put my sweatpants on. And a sweatshirt. For some reason the heat was off.

The smell of pancakes hit me in the face when I opened the door. Ross was making them, Max was setting the table.

Max just smiles when he sees me. He came up to me and gave me a light kiss. "Good morning, bed-head."

"Hi," I say, watching the two closely. Max grabbed a stack of napkins and handed Ross a large plate. "What're the flapjacks for?"

"Do we need a reason?" Ross asks, dropping the pancakes onto the plate one by one.

I shrug. "We usually don't have enough time in the morning to make anything."

"I've been up since 6."

"Five." Max says.

I flush. "Sorry..."

Max realized what I thought he meant. "Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that. I was up way before that."

It's adorable how he was trying to make me feel better.

"It's okay, Max. Really. You don't have to apologize or anything."

His face flushes.

We are mostly in silence. Ross left early because he promise Ashley he'd meet her around 10:30 for something. He didn't say what. (TIS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN WHAT WE DO ~(+-+~) [I love this text now])

Max and I went to work at around 11:30. I guess Adam told everyone to come in a little later. I don't know why. My phone never went off.

We all did a Christmas Themed Do Not Laugh (Minecraft. It'll be a while before we do a IRL again), Max and Ross recorded another episode of Redstoner (which gives me the creeps), and I did an Adventure Map called "A Forest at Night." (There literally IS a map called that. I've never played it though cause I don't have PC. I spammed Google looking for some random map. MEH.)

Then I had to record for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So did everyone else.

I didn't even want to look at my computer after all that recording.

Of course I had to. The world isn't going to build itself.

I was half way through a house when I realized it was December 22.

And Max's gift hasn't arrived yet.

Uh oh.

I immediately saved the world, locked my station computers and ran to Ross' office.


He stared at me blankly for a second. "What?"

"The thing; did you ever get a confirmation number for thing?"

"No, why?"

"UPS hasn't delivered it yet."

"So? You just ordered it yesterday."

"I ordered it on Sunday, Ross. It's Wednesday."

"It is?"

"Look at your phone's lock screen for Pete's sake."

He did, and his eyes widen. "Shit!"

I write the tracking number on a piece of paper. "Call UPS. I'll get on the phone with Customer Support. We need to find that damn game."

"Why do we need to find it immediately?'

"Because I have to take it over Adam's place, Ross!"

"Okay, okay, I'm dialing."

Well, two hours on hold and 25 different customer service representatives told me that the game left the warehouse. So it's on UPS if they lost it or it ended up at someone else's house.

"Any luck?"

Ross held up a finger. "Uh-huh... No, the set instructions were to forward it to Adam Dahlburg if there was no one there to pick it up at the office, so I-... Yes, I did leave a forwarding address... It's where?... What's it doing in Denver?!"

Ooooooh my goooood.

"Well, could you give me an ETA?... 9:30?!..." He just sighs. "Fine, thank you." He hangs up and rubs his nose under his glasses.


"The package is just leaving Denver International. Apparently, the recent bomb threat on a flight coming in from Paris put a hold on all outgoing flights, including UPS, since the plane was headed for Denver. Army didn't want to take any chances."

"So, when is it supposed to be here?"

"UPS is sending late deliveries this week since it's the holidays. One of us has to be here tonight, or we can't get it until the 26th. And the schedule for today says we won't be leaving until..." He scans his phone for a second. "8:45. Eight if Max manages to get all the editing done early."

I look at Max, who was completely immersed in both the Do Not Laugh video and his Nickelback music. "More like 7:45. They won't forward it to Adam's place?"

"No. I guess they won't forward all the packages during the week of any holiday. Especially Christmas."

"One of us is gonna have to stay tonight."

"Won't Max get suspicious if one of us doesn't get home till really late?"

"Point." I look around. "Lemme go talk to Red really quick."

I rush off and ran around the entire office trying to find him. I finally found him in the break room, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Red! I need a favor." I walk up to him.

"Sure, (Y/N). What's up?"

I glance around the corner to make sure Max isn't  coming. "Okay, so, Ross and I ordered Max his Christmas present on Sunday, but it's not coming to the office until really late tonight. I was wondering if you could wait here for us and take it over to Adam's place when it gets here."

"Okay," he puts the pot back on the warmer. "Why can't one of you two stay?"

"Max doesn't miss much. He'll know something's up if one of us stays until 9:30."

"True... Alright. But I leave at ten."

"Thank you!" I smile and give him a hug (which he obviously wasn't expecting). "Be sure to text me when it comes."

Red just smirks and nods as I walk back to Ross' office to let him know.

FULL CHAP! BOO-YA! *does the most retarded dance in the history of all dances*

Woo! ... Why am I excited again? Idk. 😐

So... Yeah... This just got LONGER than planned because I honestly have a ton of ideas for this and I also found out some stuff on really shot notice. Example: Max's Main in Smash Bros is Rosalina. Hence the "Mad Max" chapter. 😯


This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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