Chapter 6

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An: hey guys
Sorry I was busy with school
With work too to top it I was sick I have been coughing my head off ever since spring break day before it ended now today I stopped coughing yay
Well enough of me
If you have questions message me 




Happy: Wait!
Me *eating cake*: what happy?
Happy: you forgot to say the disclaimer
Me: oops I forgot about it can you do it happy?
Happy: and why would I do it?
Me: I'll give fish
Happy: ok! Grace~chan does not own the characters she only owns her plot of the story
Me *hands happy a fish and starts eating my cake again* here
Happy:yay on to the story

Lucy's Pov

I was eating my cake and I heard laxus coming with his team "yo blondie" I ignore him and he frowns and I heard ever said "hi lu-San" turns to look at ever and tilts my head in confusion "lu-San?"

Ever said "lu-San is your nickname for you what don't you like?" I said "I do!" I heard laxus "Oi are you ignoring me?" I heard his team and er-San trying to hold their laughs in

I said "so what are you doing ever?" Ever said "oh nothing laxus wanted ask you something?" Bixlow started laughing and laxus said "Oi" looks at him and smiles "hi laxus I didn't see you there" everyone couldn't hold back anymore and started laughing and me too.

Laxus said "I was here the whole time blondie" I said "well haha I got a haha name you know haha it's Lucy sparky" laxus glares at me and everyone and I stopped laughing and said "so what's the question that ever said that you wanted to ask me?" Laxus sighs and said "ok wanna join our team since you don't have one?"

I said "uh I wanna be solo first before I join a team and I need to pick up someone that she have away from the guild for long time" the guild was confused about that I need to pick up someone.

 "What do you mean?" Er-San said and I said "uh I got to go now" finished my cake and drink and gets up and runs out of guild to my place and put a barrier around my house and holds out a key and sighs "open the gate to -"

Cliffhanger :3
Who is Lucy is going to pick up?
How does she know about that someone?
How would the guild will react to this someone?

AN:/ I was thinking adding some oc's  but im only picking 5 plus mine so 6 in total

here are some questions for the oc's




Magic? (and please pick one or two magic)




pet? pic? (optional)

What relationship do you want to lucy or this 'mystery person'?

background story?


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