Royal-Chapter 34

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Hello everyone! Have you guys seen my new book cover yet. I like it, but I'm not all to sure about it. Let me know if you like the one before. I might change it back, it depends what I feel like at the moment. Or the the feedback I get. So this book is wrapping up. I wasn't planning on extending it over forty chapters so some chapter might be way longer than the others. More news is I'm almost at 5k reads. Which is so satisfying because it means all my hard work and stressing over everything is paying off.

I just want to thank everyone who has been here since chapter one and who has voted for my book. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right.( cue the dramatic crying)

Anyway..... Please make sure to vote, comment and share this book with anyone and everyone. Once this book is over I'm going to need new ideas so let me know if you have some.

Thanks a bunch. Enjoy reading.

PSA: I didn't go over the chapter thoroughly to check my spelling so if you see something wrong bare with me.


My de-virginizing moment was good for about 5 minutes. You never hear in the movie how there is an enormous amount of pain. They say it's bliss and everything you hoped for with the right guy.

Well I'm hear to protest. That's all bullshit. When Mason finished I spent the rest of the night cleaning up after myself. It wasn't to long that Mason got a call from his dad , probably concerning me having to get on a plane to go to the palace and all. But he promised me he would be right back.

Checking the clock it was 11:49. I still had about a good eleven minutes before my birthday was over. There was no way in hell I was going to sneak out if the house and make it to my moms room halfway across the pack grounds but I could definitely call a friend.

Finding out Jessamine was a back stabbing low life bitch wasn't even the worst of my problems. So I let it slide. For now at least. I believe in a good olé serving of karma. What goes around comes around and when it does I want to be there with a huge bag of popcorn.

Somehow staying in this situation was starting to bring out a darker side of me , which lets face it I knew I always had one but keeping her contained was for the best. When the time is right I'll let her out, but the destruction would be more than anyone could image. Talking to my mom about this would settle me for the time being.

I rummaged threw Mason's drawer hopeful to find a phone. When I found my phone I was beyond full relief. Dozens of text messages from people back home and the pack wishing me a happy birthday.

I had planned to reply like a kind human being would do but that had to wait. I wasn't looking for my phone but Mason's. Let's be honest who leaves the house without there phones anymore.

I snatched my phone putting it in my bra because that's the one place the guards didn't do a pat down on. Thankfully.

I pulled on my hoodie and regular blue jeans and whatever shoes were the closest. Guards were bound to be outside anyway.

Opening the door I was surprised when I was wrong. Everyone seemed to be gone. Debating in my head if I should take the risk seemed dumb. It was either choice one ) get the hell out of here. Choice 2) wait for Mason to come back go on the trip and kill Alpha Dan. Last but not least choice three ) get the hell out of this house walk to where my mom was being held and have a conversation with her. Choice two and choice three seemed to have the same structure. So choice three it was.

I walked right out the house and to the place my mother was saying.


The walk was awfully quiet. It was no joke. Almost isolated if not for the one or two houses with bright lights coming from it. I reached my mothers house and again no guards.

Alpha Dan was really stupid if this was the way he's running this place. Taking my chances on booby traps I walked into the house. As soon as I entered I quickly ducked down and made my way to the kitchen.

He was having a pack meeting. I'm assuming he thought Mason chained me to the bed like some sick twisted bastard while he was doing this.

"Ok everyone! Quite down!"

The crowd immediately shut up. If anything I am totally jealous of his power.

"The plan starts in less than 5 minutes. The birthday girl is tucked in bed for what my son has said and with my lovely queen by our side we have more than enough information to get into the castle kill the king and his father and take over. With my son being Amara's mate she is bound to take the crown so instead of wasting our time teaching her to fight- because we all know she's hopeless."

The crowd brush into laughter and I had to hold myself back from ripping there heads off.

" all we need to do is kill the king and the former king. "

I efficiently rushed out of the house and back to Mason's. Thank goodness I took my phone because this was way more information than I expected.

My mother double crossing me yo work with her boyfriend? The words brought a mini vomit to my throat.

Calling Nate he picked up within the second.



"Nate shut up and listen." I spilled my guts to him. Everything about having a crush on Gage and Edgar to being on a human man hunt and sleeping with Mason.

I let it slide that Nate had called me a slut indirectly twice but the next time I see him if I see him , he will definitely pay for that.

"Ok now all you have to do is get rid of the phone , pretend like you didn't hear anything and meet us at the palace."

I didn't even have a chance to say bye because he had already hung up. I slivered the phone in my pocket and turned around.

"Where do you think your going?" That voice made my blood boil.


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