Royal-Chapter 24

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A/N: ok so here is another chapter. It took me longer than I expected to write this buts that's ok. You guys I'm almost at 2k reads. It's probably not a lot to all those people who have 1-8million reads but this is a huge huge accomplishment for me. I would tell my family but I would get hazed.( in a good way). Also just for a insider view I have already written my last chapter so if you see major changes within the character it's because I'm trying to match the last chapter( not likely that's it's so huge)

-I'm always contradicting myself

Thank you for reading! Please Vote & Comment!!!!

Much love to all those people who've been with me since chapter one.


"I'm so glad that I met you all. Even though it wasn't that long ago, I do love you all in some way. So let's get drunk!"

I ran over to the bar grabbing the biggest vodka bottle I could find. Everyone held out there red cups and I began pouring it up to the rim.

When I reached Nate he looked stern. "You know that getting drunk isn't going to prepare you for what you have to do."

"In less than 48 hours I'll be gone. I won't see you or anyone else again. I want them to remember me." I confessed

"Tell them the truth"

"Not going to happen!" Whispering in an aggressive tone.

"Tell us what truth?" Everyone was now gathering around us. Crap, how the hell was I going to get myself out of this now.

2 hours earlier that day

"Ok you got your vail"

"Yep! The thrift store has everything" Erica was jumpy, but in a good way. "Tell me about the reception again"

"Ok, picture Nate's house. Not with food laying around but lights hanging from everywhere. We go to the back yard more candlelight. Ultimate mood lighting. There is a tone of booze , food that I got Martha to help cook and my iPod full of total kick ass music. "

"Ok. Tell me why I'm doing this again. Tell me why I'm risking total silence from my parents for not inviting them to my pre-wedding wedding."

"Because I'm leaving tomorrow. Plus this way you won't have to deal with all the crazies and won't fall into bridezilla mode. Not on my watch at least. "

"Right. Right." Erica got up and faced me. "Thank you so much. For just being you."

"Yeah yeah. Let's skip the sappy ok. It took me two hours to do your makeup and you are not going to ruin it with tears." I ran over to my purse and pulled out a pendant.

It was a wolf howling to the moon. My mother had given it to me for my 7th birthday. By then I had so many pendants I was drowning in them. But each time she gave me one it made me feel more confident and strong about my heritage. She said that one day it would be my destiny to call upon the moon goddess to grant me something spectacular.

And she did. I hadn't even thought of it. I was granted a best friend.

"Here." I wrapped in her palms " it's a wedding gift, something that isn't from the thrift store."

When she put it on the pendent seemed to sparkle on her. " I love it Amara. Here comes the water works"

She came in for a hug but I stepped back. "No. No crying. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, because if I did I wouldn't be able to stop. So no crying"

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