Royal-Chapter 33

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Here is another chapter. It's long overdue. Sorry if I have spelling mistakes. Didn't check. But please enjoy. Sorry if it's short as well.

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Mason walked me into the house. All he did was ask questions but I kept thinking of how I was played like a fool.

"You're dirty. You are not telling me what's going on plus you were shaking when I found you, so I ask you or the two girls that took you this morning."

Turning around Mason held up the phone which I forcefully snatched from his hands.

"I wanna take a shower. Then I want all birthday plans cancelled. I'll be damned if they think I'm spending it with them. You can come up and wait or you can call people who'll just lie to your face."

"This is exactly why I left." He muttered under his breath.

"You left because you are a shellfish bastard who couldn't understand that I was trying my best to protect you. The pack, but hey lets get everything off our chest. Since I am in a forgiving mood." Gripping the table counter I waited for him to go.

"I have nothing to say" he sighed

"And that your problem. Aren't you tired of this back and fourth. We love each other but we hate each other and that makes it so hard. Maybe after tonight we should be done with one another. For good." 

I took it upon to go upstairs anyway. Not knowing what was going on in Mason's mind was a semi relief. I could be worried but I wasn't. I jumped into the shower letting all the dirt roll off of me. Was I the only one that found it soothing to watch your dirty run off your body.

I leaned up against the wall watching the water drop onto my face. Playing games like 'how long can I stand in the freezing cold water'. Or ' Maybe if I hold my breath I'll get the under the sea experience."

But when a fifteen minute shower turned into a 45, my skin looked like I aged 20 years. Quickly wrapping a towel are my body and another one for my hair I proceed to head out the bathroom. I swung the door open which had the clod air hitting me and I desperately wanted to go back into the warm soothing water.  Sucking it up I headed to my closest. My jelly bean pjs gave me the warm gooey feeling you had as a child when your mom let you choose out whatever you wanted to wear. I pared that with a plain black sweater and my hello kitty booties.

"Finally your done." Mason held out his hand for me as I went down stairs. The loud rumble of my stomach had him laugh.

"See I can cook more than burnt on a plate." We passed the fire place and to my surprise was five home made pizzas awaiting us.

"This definitely doesn't count but I'll let it slide." I picked up the whole tray of spinach and bacon pizza ( that is amazing! Just saying) and went to the living room. "Grab your own and a big bottle of red maybe two. All I need right now is to get fat and drunk!" I scurried out the kitchen. The night was bound to be fun.

3 hours later

"One more time!" My drunken  body swayed with the beat of Stitches by Shawn Mendes. Mason had sworn they sounded alike. Maybe it was because I was way past the legal alcohol limit that I was actually enjoying his signing or the fact that this was the best birthday ever. No balls , or getting hundreds of phone calls or letters from packs asking for an invite to my party. But a good time just having fun.

"Now without your kissssesss. I'll be needinggggg stitchesssss!" Mason hopped onto the table. It buckled a little but stood strong.

"Hahahahaha." My tummy hurt so much from laughing to hard. I wanted to grab the microphone from him but I slipped and fell right on my ass.

"Owe. " I laughed. "I think I hurt  myself. My butt hurt." I gently rubbed it.

"I'll save you!" Mason jumped off the table in his superman pose. He picked me up bridal style and walked toward the stairs. A regular five minute walk turn into twenty. The wobbling and the drunken laughter had us stopping every time we saw something not even remotely funny.

When we finally reached the bed room he dumped me on the bed.

"Heyy! My tush still hurts. Even with the soft sheets. Did that make sense? Oh who cares." I threw my hands in the air.

Mason started walking out the room but I stopped him.

"Wait don't go." I struggled to get out of the king size bed. When managing to I fell rights on my ass.

"I'm a sloppy drunk. But still we were having so so so much fun. I don't want it to end. Stay here with me." I used the side table to prop me up.

"Why? You hate me." Mason grumbled

"I can never hate you. Your my mate. Plus if you stay I have a very important secret to tell you!" I giggled like a little girl with a crush.

"What's that."

"You have to promise to stay."

"Fine." I gestered for him to come closer. Once he was close enough that I could wrap my arms around his neck I began to spill my guts.

"I'm a virgin! But don't tell anyone."

Mason laughed. "I already know that."

"What you don't know is I don't wanna be anymore. I'm an adult! Eighteen freaking years old. I think it's about time."

"Amar-" I placed my finger of his lips.

"Phshhh! No talking. I'm an adult." I flicked the lamp off, but then back on again so I made sure I knew where Mason's lips were. Then again I shut off the lights and kissed him.

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