Royal-Chapter 15

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It's my birthday!! I wasn't going to post today, but when a special someone told me they loved my book and wanted me to update I just had to. So there are three new characters that are going to be added to our cast. (Cole, April, and Alpha Dan) So be on a look out for that. Also something interesting will be happening in the next chapter. You guys might have already guessed it but hey, it's still a surprise in my book. Also if anybody is really good at making book covers can you contact me. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for reading. Please continue to vote and comment. As well as share this book with your friends.

PSA: During the Christmas break I think I will post on the 23&24 and won't post again till the New Year. ( just an estimate) I'm sorry if that sucks but I will be super busy.

Enjoy Reading!!


"You had to tie me up! I thought you guys were hunters. "

"Sorry princess you were a hazard. We didn't want you running"  Nate cut me loose when we were halfway into the territory.

"How did you even find me?"

"It wasn't easy." Brenden declared "Asking half the town for this girl" he held up a picture of me. "Saying she's our lost sister that ran away from home. Luckily one old man who loves coffee recognized you and told us where you worked."

"So what now. I'm just going to be given to Beta Mason. What about my things." I turned to Nate. Giving him a pleasing look.

'By things I mean contacts. I can't wear these ones forever' I mind linked him.

'I'll get you new ones tomorrow morning. Just please cooperate. ' he linked me back.

"I just want to let you all know that your sending me to satan himself so if anything happens to me feel free to blame yourselves." When the van stopped the door was almost torn off by my an agitated mate Mason.

"Hey honey I'm home." He jerked me out of the car leading me straight to his house. Or the Alpha's. It's been a while so I forgot. A path of other pack members looked over me some with range some with concern.

"Get in the house!"

"Or what?" I protest

He grabbed me once again slamming his front door shut. He threw me onto the couch and began pacing. I straighten out my ruffled shirt. I wasn't digging this whole man handling situation.

"You wreak of a human boy! So you got yourself a little boyfriend when you were out there. I should kill him, and do it right in front of you so you can see how the life falls from him. I wanna know where the fuck you were for three weeks. You lied to me, and I will not have that!"

I was trying to hold in my laughter. Did he honestly think I'll tell him if I was with anybody or not. "I wanna go home. Nate , Erica and Brenden are probably waiting for me"

"Sit down!" His voice made the whole house tremble. My body started shaking involuntary. "You are to stay here from now on. Where ever you go I will know. If you try any bullshit like that again, I'll kill everyone you care about in your precious human world" he slammed his fist down on the table causing it to crack.

When he left the house to go for a run, I began to cry. I never liked crying because it showed weakness but somethings change I guess.


The next morning was day one to my nightmare. I found the room furthest from Mason's to sleep. Nate had slipped me my new contacts.

"There a monthly pair. They can be used in the night but don't do it unless you have to. And Princess I'm sorry, but be safe. Your clothes will be delivered tomorrow afternoon."

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