Royal -Chapter 9

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The next morning was no different. We made it to school only a few minutes to spare. I was getting fed up with this. They have been doing this for two weeks now. I was seriously considering popping their tires.

"This day sucks" Erica huffed. "Ms. Campbell took away my free period because I'm slacking. I've been so tired lately I just took a nap. Next thing you know class is over." She put her hands over her face covering the deep bags forming.

"How about a sleepover. It's the weekend and we can just spend it watching really bad movies and binge on junk food then eventually pass out and not wake up till 2 the next day". Her face lit up then instantly went into a frown again.

" I can't. Derrick and I are going through something and I just have to be there." Ever since the stealing of the car incident, it's been nothing but downhill for the two. One thing leads to another and they're at each other's throats. I know Erica just wants to talk it over but she doesn't want to make it a big deal. I think the late night fights are starting to catch up to her.

"Oh come on. Take the night off. I really could use the company. It will be the worst movies ever. And commentating is allowed" I begged

"Did I hear bad movies and commentating. I'm in" Veronica glumly made her way over. " I need it. Especially with they day I'm having"

"You weren't invited." Erica hissed. "If she's going I'm not. Sorry Amara." Erica hurried down the hallway. I slide down the locker plopping to the floor.

"Can't you two just get over this. The last time we all together were two weeks ago and that's when I slapped a girl. I don't want that to be our last memory" Veronica slide down with me.

"She blames me. For the Derrick thing. If I wouldn't have told her to take his car, she and my brother wouldn't be fighting. I'm ok being hated, she'll get over it. It's taking longer than usual" I gave her a small smile.

"Erica is like a sister to me. So if I had to choose, I choose her. Do your part and make it right. I love you both, but something got to give. I'm tired of being around this negativity." Veronica gave me a small smile. She didn't make eye contact as she got up and left. Shit, I didn't mean to hurt her.

"V! Wait" I struggled to get up as the weight of my five medical textbooks drug me down " I didn't mean to hurt you!" I tried running after her but it didn't work. I ran down the hall and I was already tired. She was out of my sight and I felt like crap.


The day came to a quick end. It was one of those fast days where the time just flew and thank goodness for that. Tonight I was helping Martha cook dinner. My mom's special dish. Moussaka. My mom traveled as well. Greece was her favorite place to go, she stayed awhile and learned how to make this dish but with her own twist.

"Oh, honey you're cutting the onions with such much force. You're going to hurt yourself." She took the knife from my hands and started chopping away. "You need to cut them with love. "

I cringed at all her happiness. She was like one of those ladies on the cooking shows. Love is key on how to make a good meal. I used to admire that crap. But with the day I'm having I just wanna be grumpy. I'm such a hypocrite, ranting about Erica and Veronica's negativity. When a cloud of it is right over my head.

"Honey go talk to them. I'll call you when everything is finished being cut and all the pans are warned up." I smiled at Martha and ran upstairs. It took me a while to get used to this place but I know my way around big places. Plus the screaming was a dead giveaway to Derrick and Erica's room. I stood outside the door for a bit. Their conversation was really getting heated and I didn't know if I should interrupt. So I just stood there frozen, my heart said go save your friend but my head said its none of my business.

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