Royal-Chapter 32

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Sitting up from my bed , the smell of burnt breakfast made me feel right at home. Quickly I brushed my teeth and went right downstairs.

Mason was juggling ten things at once trying to make a breakfast feast.

Going to the pantry I grabbed a bowl, lucky charms , milk and a spoon.

Sitting at the table still watching Mason struggle. When he lifted his head to see me I heard him cuss a little.

"Really? You're here eating cereal while I'm cooking for you."

Rolling my eyes. "That isn't breakfast. That is burnt on a plate. Feel free to join me." I gestured to the seat at the other end in the table.

"I wasn't planning to stay. I know you hate me and I'm sorry about last time." He grabbed a bowl and spoon.

"It's my birthday. I'm giving you a birthday free pass." I half grinned

"Maybe we should talk about today."

"What about today." I asked mouth full of food.

Seeing Mason smile brought a sort of happiness to me.

"Well first the girls are asking to see you. You have a day full of rehearsal and getting all dolled up and then-"

Mason was cut off with Jessamine and Cassandra running through the door.

"Come with us now if you want to live."

I was swooped up and carried away by the two strong yet forceful arms.

"Why are we running? My cereal! What is going on?" I blurted out. My feet were hitting the rough rocks causing my feet to start blister.

"We might have told Charlie that you threaten us last night. He took it kind of personal" Jessamine tried to contain her laughter.

"He has a thing with people who threaten people he care about. Add that to a nasty temper and you get a WWE wrestler on the loose." Cassandra dragged me a little harder until we got into the forest.

"Why would you say that?!" I squeaked. Something about Charlie didn't sit with me well.

They let go of me and Jessamine began to strip. "I'll explain later."

"Ahh!! No! My poor poor eyes" I covered my eyes.

"Shut up and shift. Follow me. Cassandra will steer Charlie  in the other directions."

I did what I was told. The silent pause and awe of my wolfy stature had me slightly annoyed but from there we were off.

I missed this feeling. The wind blowing through my fur. My paws making contact with the mushy soil. It was a nice feeling. We came across a cliff. Nothing to big or serious that we could get hurt but Jessamine ran behind a tree to shift back.

She came out in her bathing suit and handed me a pair.

"Hurry and change."

I looked at the skimpy outfit. It was two pieces of string tied together. Don't get me wrong I'm not insecure about my body but I don't  plan to be a porn star in the next two minutes.

Shifting back I peered from the side of the tree. "Um, do you have thing more pg 13?"

"Put it on or come out naked." She laughed

"I didn't shave." I lied

"Yes you did. It's your birthday."

"Yeah your right. Fine but if you try any funny business remember I might be on your turf but I'm still a royal." Putting on the bathing suit I came out to see Jessamine standing very close to the edge. Before I could express my concerns she yelled out "see you down there" and jumped. I totally underestimated her ability to have fun, if this is what she thinks fun is.

Going up to the edge as well. I said a mini prayer and jumped. My body hit the water and the murky green muck had me panicking. I swam up for air and my lungs felt a cooling sensation for each breathe I took.

Swimming to the edge of the river and hoping out where there was a towel and a note filled me with relief. No matter where I was green murky water just had me go straight to alligator. Dumb I know, but totally rational.

I took the towel and wrapped it around myself tightly hoping nobody saw me. Picking up the note it said

Let's play a game. I'll call it Five Steps ahead of Charlie. This will be the official count down to your birthday. A card will be left for you at every location you reach. Good luck and to keep things interesting we told Britney where you are so u hope your tracking skills are as good as you think.

I heard a splash and my heart began to pick up. I quickly put on my cargo pants , shirt and combat boots that I was left.

Flipping the card over.

Location 1-
Go to the place where Gage first took you. Be fast princess.

I took off running. It wasn't my best idea but at this point I need to be as far away from the crazy psychopath as possible. My body was began to shake. I couldn't stop now. I had no idea what part of the land I was in  and how I will navigate this place. While running I dug around in my pockets and pulled out a map with a sticky note attached to it.

"Read at own will. And I forgot to mention no going wolf. Fair play"

With all that distraction I ran my should right into a trunk of a very large and sturdy tree. Cursing I bit my lip to prevent tears. This felt like a mini fucked up version of the Hunger Games.

Screw me for thinking this no good hybrids were trust worthy and let me have a half decent birthday party. 

I got to the cages and locked the entrance door. Running up and down the hallways I couldn't figure out where the next note was located.

I began to hyperventilate and slid my body against the cold hard wall. I'll be better off dead. My stupid stay strong mantra was the only thing that made me have an inch of hope.   Doing on last round I found the note stuck on the far corner of the cell.

Location 2-

Go to where we first met.

"Where I first met who damnit!"

Taking it upon myself I snuck out the cages and I began to make a run for it but I saw Charlie with the corner of my eyes. I swung myself up a tree. Hissing at how painful it was.

Lifting up my shirt my arm was turning purple.

I tried to keep a low profile even though my scent was clear as day.

"Alpha Dan? I dint know you were going to be here." Charlie greeted him

"Yes I see the girls have you involved in this man hunt. It will be good practice for her because once the clock turns 12 and her birthday is over we are taking a one way flight to England."

"Yes sir."

"And I want you to come." Alpha Dan gave Charlie a problem on the back. "And Charlie give her a couple scars to show that we don't mess around."

With that Charlie began to run to the next location. It's rather her was so fueled up on fury and pure hatred of me and  he didn't notice my scent, or just thought it was a decoy. But even then this was to far.  

I pulled out the phone I stole for a guard and dialed Mason's number.

I was officially done playing these hybrids stupid games.

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