Royal-Chapter 7

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"Wake up! Wake up!" I stared at the two girls who were  in shock.

"Why are you awake?" Erica asked in confusion. "We were supposed to the wake up thing and you were supposed to be like 'ahh go away' but no. Surprised ruined". She threw her hands in the air with defeat.

"It's ok Erica. How about we go pour water on the boys to make up for Amara's lack of surprise. " Erica's face instantly lit up.

"Extra cold water?"

"Freezing. With ice cubes!" Veronica rubbed her hands together in a menacing way. "I'll do Breden if you do Nate."

"Hey I wanna join. I most definitely call Nate" in the back of my mind I had hope that Roselyn would be there.

"Oooh. Your first day of school is going to start off with a bang " Erica jumped up and down causing me and Veronica to give her unpleasant looks. Who is that happy in the morning. We all snuck out the room going to the furthest bathroom away from the guys room. Erica found the biggest bin she could. Which was a relatively good size. We filled it with ice cold water not to mention the ice cubes Veronica had promise. Our journey began carrying it from the bathroom to Nate's room and I slowly had started to regret this mission.

"My arms are going to fall off" I whispered yelled.

"Same. Erica switch!" Veronica demanded.

"No switch with me. Mine hurt more" I whined.

"Shush the both of you. His room is right here." She cracked open the door. Before we went in we agreed to only talk in the mind connection. Veronica and I shuffled over the bed.

"On the count if three" I suggested.

"Yeah ok" they both agreed.

"One" I held my breath knowing this could go either way. Revenge was sweet.

"Two" I could here Ericas teeth chattering as the last second came across.

"Three!!" We dumped the water over the two love birds. They both woke up gasping followed by an ear piercing scream from yours truly. Roselyn. I stood there trying to hold back my thunderous laugh. Two sets of hands were pulling me from the room and we all began running.

Sprinting down the hall all three of us began dying. Tears streamed down my face as I countinued to laugh. When we reached my room we were trying to clam down.

"She just might kill me." I said in between my gasp for air. When we calmed down we just laid there. This was nice. Even though I've only been here a couple of days it felt nice to have friends that like you for you.

"We should get ready for school, one more strike V and detention will be knocking on your door"

"Mr. Flit is the biggest joke ever. He wouldn't dare try it. I'll just get our big bad Beta on him." From the corner of my eye I saw Erica push her a little suggesting that wasn't a topic to be brought up. I took it as a sign to not investigate to much into it.

"So what do I wear? Is there some dress code."

"No. Just don't dress like a slut. If you do I absolutely don't know you." Veronica spoke. Both girls got up saying I have thirty minutes to get ready and that if I don't want the guys to get us back that I should be down before the touch are breakfast. A mention of laxative in cereal had me running into the shower.

When I finished I wrapped my wet hair into an effortless bun and put on navy green skinny jeans with my black sweater and all black converse. Personally I love make up but wearing it to school wasn't my thing. It just seemed like I'm trying to hard. Instead I just put on some mascara and I was good to go. I ran downstairs only to realize I was the last  one ready.

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