Royal-Chapter 20

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Here's chapter 20. Enjoy.

I think I'm just going to post whenever. I'm not really good with keeping a schedule, too many things pop up. Sorry if that sucks.

~ Please don't forget to vote and comment. ~


~2 weeks later~

Amara's POV

I was a statue. My eyes burning holes into the door waiting for Mason to walk threw with wide arms.

"Princess? I can assure you that the longer you stare won't mean he will come back." Growling in defense, I wasn't budging.

"Ok. Then. While your having a psychotic break down , I have work to do. You know the type of work that prevents a very cruel and vicious Alpha from ruining the peace and security of werewolves as we know it."

Nate's not so subtle hints were slowly nagging at my brain. He was right but I couldn't bring myself to get up from this spot.

"You never once asked why he left" my croaky voice cause him to halt.

"Ok. Why did he leave."

"I don't know. That night we fought about how I was being dishonest. I would come home with bruises. "

"Why." Nate's voice picked up. The worry in his voice was very apparent. I almost smile at that. He reminded me so much of the men in my family.

"I wanted to be strong for him. Us."

"Amara being physically strong isn't everything."

"Coming from the guy who makes it a priority to have at least an hour run everyday"

I got up, going against my better judgement. Nate was in the kitchen doing work as usual. I couldn't thank him enough. We had come up with plans and how everything is going to go down. He had told me everything I needed to know , there was still more to uncover. But you never know what the situation is until you get there.

"I haven't had a run in a while." Admitting that sheepishly.

"Tonight. We're going at 7:00. I know some secret tracks. No guards in sight"

"If you just wanna see me naked you don't need to use my wolf as a decoy." Mocking the first time I met Nate he grinned from ear to ear.


"Ok I must warn you of three things ...
1) I'm way bigger than you. I'm puny on the outside but pretty big.
2) my bone breaking process is a lot quicker. But I haven't changed in a while so who knows.
3) if you even look my direction while I'm naked I will break your neck"

"Ok! I got it." Nate slowly wrapping his arms over his neck.

"4) I have this birthmark on my paw. Don't stare at it, because I know it's their and it's weird."

"Amara! Shut up and get naked"

I laughed and scurried around the tree. I placed all my clothes in a bag. Earlier we have marked it with carving both our names in our designated trees.

"5) I'll be blocking everyone out so you will be the only one in my thoughts. Not even Alpha Zane would be able to get in. The only possible way our commutation can be comprised is if my brother or my dad are trying to reach me. That's not likely though. Since I haven't heard from them which I really do appreciate you going across the world to look for them-"

"Amara your rambling. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to shift then start running. You can catch up or stay here talking to yourself."

The cracking of the bones had me jumping with joy.

My wolf was a good inbetween of a ginger/ strawberry blonde mix. Nate's brown wolf stared in awe. I was a good foot or two taller then him. He barked signaling it was time to run and I followed right along side him.

"When you said you were big I didn't think you would be a freaking giant." Nate was fast. But not faster than me, catching up with him in two strides.

"It runs in the family"

"No kidding?" We both laughed.

The run lasted about 30 minutes. Our conversations were very consistent. It stated off with Nate showing off, and being me I had to top everything, which I did until he started crawling under branches. My wolf was too big for that.

We eventually reached a nice pound. Where they had one of those trees that look like shower curtains. Vines everywhere. Crickets chirping from each direction. Frogs splashing from lily pads trying to catch the fireflies. It was almost perfect. It made me wish even more that Mason was here with me.


"Yes. When did we get so formal with one another?"

"Because your thoughts are very present in my head. I think you forgot to put up a block to that." Nate walked over to where I was lying down. He circled around the area before he plopped down on his belly.

"Oops sorry. It's not like it's anything new. Gosh I miss him. I sound like the girl who cried wolf. I always push him away and when I finally want him he's AWOL. "

"I slept with Veronica!" Nate blurted out.

"Um. Please do tell" I was trying to contain my laugh. This was a nice way of shutting me up.

" I came home a little early."

"How early?" I was very interested. One being Veronica was another person who just vanished. Two because those days he wasted having intercourse could have been spent finding my family.

"A day or two. Anyway Raven found her mate and I on the other hand wasn't spending my trip in the city of love alone. I got in contact with Veronica. Stayed with her in a motel and it just happened."

"Nate, you story seemed to be missing important details. Like how you just suddenly got in contact with a girl who clearly didn't want to be found. And you just hop in bed with someone because you got dumped. Not on purpose by the way."

"I-I've actually always known where Veronica was hiding. She just asked me to keep it a secret."

I was totally flabbergasted at Nate. He knows what this meant to Derrick having his sister just up and leave. He was in a constant worry, thinking his sister could be dead. "Oh."

"That's all you have to say to me. Is 'oh'. " I got up and Nate followed. It was going to take us another thirty minutes to get home and I didn't want it to get too dark.

"If I say what's really on my mind I think you wouldn't like it. I have no filter 75% of the time."

"Yeah. Your right. I propably don't want to hear what you have to say."

"But I'm going to say it anyway. Two words for you. Man-Whore. Who in this pack haven't you been in bed with."

"You! And everyone who has a mate! Plus Veronica isn't in the pack" Nate barked.

Laughing so hard that it wasn't only in the mind link, I was actually making this weird snorting sound. Nate nipped at my tail and the whole way home if was a race. Him trying to ounce on me, and me totally kicking his ass in being a ninja wolf.

For a moment I forgot my fate. It was nice.

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