Royal- Bonus Chapter

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I'm back. I am open to all angry comments on how I just fell off the planet of Wattpad. I'm the reason you guys have trust issues.

1) I'm not abandoning this book. Well as far as I'm concerned it's still going on.

2) I'm not 100% back with the regularly posting ( let's just be honest when did I ever post when I said I was going to)

3) I've been pretty bummed lately- not that you guys care- but that's why I took a long a*s pause.

4) I'm super sorry! But this is just something for those who haven't given up and me. You guys don't know how much I appreciate you. It means a lot and I can't thank you enough. So I hope you enjoy this little chapter I came up with.


Nate & Veronica

"Back already, I would have expected you to stay a little longer" Veronica guided me to the motel room.

"Yeah, Raven found her mate. I didn't feel like staying the rest of the trip so I took an early flight home."

"So does that mean I'll have you all to myself this week?"  I never saw Veronica as anything other than a friend. So it might just be my imagination when I say I think she's trying to seduce me. The way her she's cascading around the room in only her undergarments.

"Yeah. Even then I'll be working. No time for play-"

"Yeah yeah all work no play. I have to work too or do you just assume as the role of the female I stay home and catch up on the household duties?"

"Yes V, because I'm a anti feminist. How about you go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich." I joked but at the same time I was very serious.

"I'm going to remember that." She tapped my head and disappeared in the kitchen.

Taking this opportunity I got out my laptop and an abundance of articles, paper work and much more.

"So before you found out that your ex had a mate, how did you guys enjoy the lovely UK."  Her voice boomed out from the all to thin kitchen walls.

"Uhh it was alright. I was there mostly for business. But my down time was slightly memorable." My hands gliding over the keys as I began my work.

Veronica took her sweet and precious time walking out from the kitchen slapping a plate of chips and a turkey sandwich in front of me.

"What do we have here" she snatched the folder from my desk. "Angie Curtis. Female- duh. Wolf. Lives with my ex boyfriend's father. Why haven't I seen her before."

"You know calling him your ex boyfriends father doesn't really indicated your over him" I reached for my folder back but she jumped up. Making a bee line for the other direction of the room.

"Nate why haven't I see her before. I know everything and everyone in that pack. You would've  think I've met an Angie Curtis."

"She doesn't go by that name. "

"What does she go by?"

"Veronica half of the people In that pack are rouge. People who are pissed off that there lives were shattered or took a tragic turn of events. Now you might have just joined that pack but I have been digging up facts from them since I can remember."

"Yeah yeah I know the story. Your father was friends with Mason's mom. She told him things and now your super duper Sherlock skill is coming in handy. You told Alpha Zane, he had to take action.... fast forward and now we have a royal in our pack and Alpha Dan is planning a take down. I'm not dumb."

She began to pace. Still being in her underwear. Focus! I need to focus!

"How did anyone know that she was in our pack!"

Veronica came running over taking all my files laying them down in a horizontal row. It took her some time but while she was examining the photos I was trying to figure out how to respond to this text.

Amara: Mason kicked me out! What do I do? I need you Nate.

Ps: Erica isn't talking to me. Make her talk to me.

Nate:What happened? Don't worry I'll be home in a week, and just feed Erica. She'll come around in no time. She missed you like crazy anyway.

"Sorry to interrupt!" Veronica hollered in my ear sending my flying out of my chair.

"Jesus! Veronica you almost gave me a fucking heart attack!"

Her laugh was spine chilling. "Sorry but if you want the some answers I think that I'm more important than your nonsense relationship with a girl that's totally unavailable."

"She totally available!" I muttered so that only I could hear.

"I'm guessing that this Angie Curtis is a double agent. It's the only sensible case scenario. I mean she's totally non existent in Alpha Dans pack but I swear I've seen her before."

"Good job, you want a medal for something I already know."

"Don't patronize me. I'm trying. Not everyone can have parents who solve cases like this all the time. Or freaking royals as parents."

Muttering under my breathe I pushed aside my ego and went over to Veronica.

"I'm an ass. I know your helping, it's not your everyday case so I apologize."

" I forgive you." She nudged me. "You'll see Amara isn't everything." She said almost in a whisper.

We spent the night going over important facts and trying to figure out how to break everything to Alpha Zane.

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