"What?" Krystal asked. And I frowned.

Now I could be wrong for getting jealous. But I had a horrible feeling come over me when I saw Krystal in his arms.

I couldn't bare to look at it anymore.

In that short amount of time. It drove me crazy. And I guess I'm still in that daze.

"Nothing" I said while clenching my jaw. Forcing myself to keep quiet. Even though I'm still upset about how things went down earlier.

"Kai I know your lying"

"Andwae (no) I'm ready to go back downstairs" I said as I turned from her and opened the door.

Letting the loud people and music take over my ears

"Kai wait" Krystal said before I felt her walk up behind me. She then shut the door back and stood in front of it.

"I don't like to see you like this. All jealous and angry. Its not a good look for you Kai. Your a cinnamon roll for crying out loud. You shouldn't be that way" Krystal said. And I chuckled at her cute comment.

"I am not jealous"

"Kai if looks could kill. We would be planning Myungsoo's funeral right about now" Krystal said causing me to laugh.

She's adorable. How could I stay mad at her?

"Look Kai. I just want you to know that I love you. And no matter who may come along and hit on me. Old friend or not. I will always choose you araso?" Krystal said in a soothing tone.

And I smiled.

Finally, I feel reassured

"Ne, I guess I'm sorry for being jealous" I said with my words drifting off. And Krystal cupped her hand around her ear. As if she didn't hear me the first time.

"What was that?"

"I said I'll stop being jealous!" I said before sticking my finger under chin and flicking her head back.

"Yah!" Krystal said before she smacked my chest. And I laughed.

"Forgive me?" I asked.

"Ne birthday boy. I forgive you" Krystal said before we shared a hug.

"Oh and one more thing" I said speaking into her hair.

"What?" Krystal said pulling away.

"I don't want you too see Myungsoo anymore. Okay? I don't want him getting the wrong idea. Your mine and only mine. I don't get a good vibe from him" I said with my mood doing a full 360.

And Krystal sighed.

"Okay Kai. I won't see him......he was acting weird anyway" She said before she looked back up at me and smiled.

I then kissed her for head. Before pulling her towards me and opening the door.

"Ladies first" I said extending my hand for her. And she rolled her eyes.

"Kai your so chessy" She said before walking through her door.

"Put me on a sandwich then"


Krystal's POV

"Kai don't forget your-"

"Right I almost forgot!" Kai said before walking into the kitchen and grabbing his black work bag.

I stood to the side while drinking my coffee. And watching Kai frantically get ready for work. Aishhh I swear that man always forgets something.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Ne. I hope so" Kai said and I giggled.

"Are you going to give Lay his car keys back" I asked.

Two weeks ago at Kai's birthday party. Lay brought his car keys with him. But he didn't drive over here. He rode with Sehun.

.....I know. I don't understand it either.

"With the way my hyung is. He shouldn't even be driving" Kai said and I laughed once again. Before Kai walked over to me. And quickly pecked me on my lips before leaving in a hurry.

Once the door was shut back. I sighed into the empty home. Its now summer vacation. So I don't have school. Time started to pass and now I'm bored.

"I should text Amber" I said to myself before reaching for my phone. And opening my messenger.

But just before I could hit the send button. I heard a knock on the door.

"Hmmm. She just knows when to show up" I said before skipping to the door. And opening it.

"Hey Amb-...."

"Hey Soojung"

The Broken Goodbye(Exo Kai FF)Where stories live. Discover now