It was Zayn and Harry, bickering towards each other.

"No, you idiot. You have to recharge it at the station," Zayn rolled his eyes. We were all layed on the floor, about ten feet awat from the two walking in a small circle. They were probably guarding the entrance to the headquarters.

"But why cant you just have unlimited bullets?" Harry asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"They dont even have bullets!" Zaym exasperated.

"Alright, alright. No need to get your knickers in a twist," Harry sighed, raising his hands up in surrender.

Zayn tried to look annoyed but a small chuckle escpaed his lips. They were both blended in with the dark, wearing black fitted tshirts and dark jeans.

I counted down to one with my finger. After one, Louis and I ambushed the two, shooting right at their chest.

"Player three and player four have lost the game." The automated voice echoed throughout the room.

"Really guys?!" Nialls voice boomed.

"I blame you Harry," Zayn groaned, looking at Harry.

"Wait, what just happened?" Harry asked, his face etched with confusion.

Zayn shook his head and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him away from us.

"Thanks friends," He sighed, shooting us glares.

"Whoops, " I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders carelessly.

We carried on our way, creeping towards the entrance towards the headquarters where we believed Niall and Liam were situated.

Addie and Luke went first this time. Luke stopped abruptly causing me to run right into his back. I gripped the back of his shirt tightly and smacked the back of his head.

He turned around to grin at me before turning back. Niall and Liam were nowhere to be seen. We decided to play last team standing so all we had to do was take out Niam and bam, we win.

This was war.

Addie scrunched her eyebrows at me, basically saying where the heck were these two.

"Surprise attack!" Someone yelled from behind me. I quickly dove to the side, landing on my shoulder on the floor. I frantically looked around and saw Liam and Niall ambushing my team. Luckily, Luke and Louis found cover but Addie was taking on the two like a mad man, running back and forth to avoid their shots and shooting wild shots herself. I layed on the floor and put my gun in front of me. I scooted farther against the wall and shot Liam right in the back.

"Player five has lost the game."

"What the hell?" Liam complained, throwing his hands in the air. I ran towards Louis and Luke and hid with them. Addie soon followed suite while Niall was calling out our names.

"Nose goes!" I yelled, slamming a finger on my nose. I was not going to go out their and possibly die.

"Aw! Come on!" Addie groaned, throwing up her hands. I smirked at her and pushed her into the battle zone.

"Hello Addie," Niall greeted her in a creepy tone.

"Oh he- what the hell? You cant shoot me, I was talking to you, you little prick!" Addie exclaimed, looking at him incredulously. She threw down her gun and stomped her foot before picking it back up and disappearing, mumbling something about stupid leprechauns.

"Player two has lost the game."

"Yeah, I freaking know!" Addie screamed from god-knows-where.

"Bring it on mates. Im ready for anything," Niall boasted. I shrugged and indicated to charge him all at once.

We came out from hiding and began shooting where we believed Niall was. Niall was doing the same.

One shot.

The little caca face had one good shot and who did it hit?


"Player one has lost the game."

"Jay! Why?" Luke exclaimed, hiding back in the spot. I glared at him and stood where I was. I didnt want to go upstairs and watch, id rather have front row.

My mouth dropped. My mouth dropped becauae Niall just shoot Louis as Louis was rolling on the ground.

"Player eight has lost the game." Louis stood by me, grumpy, with his arms crossed. I feel you brother.

"Niall, you're on my team next time." I stated earning a grin from him.

Then it was only Luke and Niall. Luke rolled right in front of Niall and dropped to his knee. He took one shot straight at Nialls chest.

"Player six has lost the game."

"No!" Niall yelled, dropping down onto his knees and pounded his fists into the air.

I let out a victory scream and jumped on to Luke, giving him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and swung my around. Addie and Louis soon joined us in a jumping group hug while the others sulked in the corner.

"We are the champions!" We sang, holding onto each other while swaying side-to-side.

We left the place still celebrating but they quickly turned around. As soon as we stepped out, flashes of lights bombarded us and people were shouting while others were screaming. The boys mumbled curses, trying to push through the crowd.

They all said hi to their fans but ignored the paps who were shouting questions I couldnt even comprehend.

One of the paps shoved their expensive cameras in my face.

"Are you and her the new Youtube vloggers living next door to One Direction?" He all but shouted into my face. Luke tightly gripped my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Yes we are," I smiled. I was a bit overwhelmed to be truthful.

"What do you think of the boys?"

"They're funny boys. Very, very funny boys." Addie piped in, smiling at the man.

We pushed past the flashing cameras, keeping a smile on our faces. Thats what you were supposed to do right?

"Can I have a picture with you guys?" A girl about twelve asked, holding her white iPhone close to her chest and rocking back on her heels. She seemed nervous and it was adorable.

"Us? Are you sure about that?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Yeah, im sure we can get One D to come over here if you want," Addie offered, getting on her tiptoes to search the crowd.

"No, you guys. I already have them." She shot us a small smile.

"Um, okay then," I stuttered, awkwardly moving close to her.

Luke went to grab her phone to take the picture but she pulled back and shook her head claiming she wanted a picture with him as well. He raised before his eyebrows and I grinned at him beckoning him to come over. The little girl handed her phone to a paparazzi. I didnt take paps as one to take a picture for someone else on their phone but the guy didnt even hesitate.

She stood inbetween Addie and I, with Luke beside me. We took two pictures, one of us all smiling and a silly one where Luke was kissing her check and I was gasping at them while Addie kissed her other cheek.

She thanked us and since she waa our first fan photo, we asked for her twitter so we could mention and follow her.

Luke dragged us away from the crowd and into the car. The boys were already in their car right behind us and gave us a thumbs up.

"Well, that was exciting!" I grinned, tapping the wheel excitedly.

The paps got more pictures of us in the car so we decided to give them something worth their trouble; we made faces and danced horrendously to the radio.

I walked into my house with everyone in tow. Harry plopped himself on the couch, laying face down. He turned his head to the side with a bright smile.

"Lets camp outside tonight!"

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