Failed Collaboration

Start from the beginning

“Something the matter?” I shook my head, backing a step away,

“No sir.”

The man gave me a skeptical look, but soon he returned to talking, “You received the letter then I take it? Since you are here.” I nodded my head again, looking towards where the group of men still stood, I was curious, I wanted to know what they were hiding behind their little short wall.

“We have a task for you.” He motioned towards the men and they spread, revealing the girl who sat in the chair behind them. I furrowed my eyebrows, she was too normal looking to be anyone important. I bit the inside of my cheek, scanning over her dark hair and light skin; yeah…She was definitely normal. Not a princess or a politician’s daughter. “This girl.”

“Well…I can sort of see she’s a girl.” I grinned at his glare, “So, what about her?”

“We’ve found her recently; she was no clue as to how she got here.” The man motioned for the others to bring her forward, she slapped at one of their hands and I chuckled slightly, “She has no powers…That’s why you’ve been put in charge of her.”

I raised my eyebrow at her as they brought her over, she was short, though so was everyone else you compared me to. I smirked at her, “So fleshy.” I commented, pinching a bit of her arm. It wasn’t that she was big, she was pretty thin, but no muscle it seemed. She whacked at my hand too, “Hey.” I breathed, biting back the laugh in my throat.

Sure it was a bit disappointing that I’d be babysitting a little girl, but atleast she had some bite in her unlike others I’d come across. She seemed more like a fun.

“Alright, so…She’s just human? Where’d she come from anywhere?” Her glaring at me wasn’t going to do her any good, wish she’d cut it out cause it was kind of creeping me out to have to see her expression in the corner of my eye.

“We’re not sure; she isn’t too sure what happened to her.” One man had placed his hand on her shoulder; a look of displeasure crossed her face, “As for being just plain human, she confirmed that herself. She really can’t do anything for herself.”

“So we need you to watch her.” I leaned over, atleast trying to become level with her head. I cocked my head to the side,

“What’s your name?” She didn’t seem to have any intention as to speaking with me. “What? Scared of the big man?” Taunting women with a childish tone usually riled them up, they could never stand it when I compared them to my height, and all of them were shorter than me. I never understood exactly why it would bother them, wasn’t a man supposed to be taller? Or maybe they all had a fetish for short men…They probably felt stronger when they were larger.

“Dola.” She spat, now there was an interesting name.

“She’ll be staying at my house, correct?” I dug my hands deep into my pockets and fiddled with the little note in one of them, leaning back on my heels. “Not that I have a problem with that.” While I probably shouldn’t tease her, I couldn’t help, but feel the urge, besides if we’re alone no one would even notice.

“Yes she will.” The girl seemed panicked,

“Wait! I can’t stay with him.” She pointed at me, quite rudely since I was right in front of her. I snarled as I felt her finger prod my chest, “He’s a…He!”

One of the elders glared at me, the only female of the male dominated group, she was in the back, but suddenly moved forward, I hadn’t noticed her and I supposed she was going  to speak for the girl’s defense. “Are you sure that is such a good idea?”

“He will not touch the girl; if he does she can always report back to us.” The old woman didn’t seem convinced, but she didn’t question the man. “Right Avaritia? You will not harm her?”

I clenched my jaw, muttering past gritted teeth, “Of course sir, I will take good care of her.”

“See? We have his word.” It was almost as if he was trying to rub it in the old lady’s face, I frowned,

“Because you can trust a man such as him.” The girl was still pointing me, but there was a new look on her face. She wasn’t looking at me with anger anymore; it was something more twisted,

“So he can’t touch me?” She clenched her fist and hit it to my chest, it didn’t hurt, but it annoyed me. I narrowed my eyes,

“No he cannot, but if you are in any danger, he must do what he can to protect you, is his job after all.”

The girl frowned, “As long as he doesn’t come near me anytime that I’m alright.” Her eyes skewered me.

“Do you swear Avaritia? To protect her at all costs?”

I nodded, but realized that the gesture wouldn’t be enough; he wanted me to say something, “I swear to protect her.” It sounded like I wasn’t being serious, but if I was called to do this I would. And I wouldn’t do a half assed job either.

I tried a smile at the girl as we were lead out of this building, but she didn’t return it, I heaved a heavy sigh, now she looked to me.


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