Chapter 12 {{~Awkward~}}

Start from the beginning


Wait he means me!?

My eyes widened and I looked at him in shock and dropped my face quickly as I saw him looking right back at me, I could feel a blush coming and no one needed to see that.

Who is this dude anyways? Saying that kind of thing and not even being embarrassed about it.

"Hey, what’s your name pretty girl?" He started to go on with no shame.

I glanced at him with a surprised and shocked expression again.

He gave me a big smile and winked.

I quickly dropped my eyes to the ground again.

Sadly my cheeks started to heat up even more; I just hope that no one sees my blush in the dark of the night.

I don’t know what exactly happened but I could hear the Blondie say sorry and took a few steps back again.

"Ryan, you have to come with us now." Mr. Matthews said I could hear him almost begging.

I raised my head again and looked at the wolf dude for his expression. It was still blank.

"Please Ryan, I need you." I heard Mrs. Matthews say with sobs in her voice, if he says something cold again then I’m sure he’s adopted because how can he be so heartless and cold to his mother like that? They’re both such nice people.

Ryan sighed again, taking a few steps forward.

Is he going to come?? So he gives up?

I could hear a relieved sigh from Mr. Matthews and I myself felt relieved too, I don’t know why though, I guess I’m just glad for them to have something good happen for today.

Ryan said some stuff to the guys real fast and started to walk after us.

Mission completed!

Though I was really nervous as hell since he was staring at me like almost the whole time.

He sure must be thinking "Who the heck is this girl?" even if he had seen me for a few times.


We were now walking the long path in the garden to the door of the house.

it was kind of awkward just a few minutes ago, because Ryan now knows that his parents thinks I’m a friend of him and he didn’t even know that Sam has been missing....

Oh and don’t forget, I’m going to stay here for dinner too...that is also awkward...

We walked into the house, the nice warm air embracing me right away as I walked inside. I took my jacket off and hung it on the fancy coat rack. Then, I just stood there by the door not really knowing what to do, Mr. Matthews and Ryan where already out of sight and Mrs. Matthews was hanging Ryan’s jacket on the coat rack, seeing he just tossed it on the top and walked away.

A feeling was telling me to go, because maybe it’s not a good idea to stay for dinner, I don’t want to trouble them and stuff...

Mrs. Matthews noticed my nervous expression and gave me a warm smile.

"Like I said before dear, make yourself at home." She said and couldn’t resist the urge to hug me.

I’m glad she did, that make me more comfortable. We both started to walk to the living room.

I wanted to take a seat on the couch but hesitated since I saw Ryan sitting there too, he was staring at the TV with an bored expression that he has on the whole time already since he came with us.

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