Chapter 25 {{~My Hell~}}

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This chapter is dedicated to shanniinn~ for making that beautiful banner! :D


(Michelle’s POV)

I had this weird dream.

It was like a good bye dream, a dream where I told the people that I cared about my good bye.

There was a woman, I couldn’t see her face clear cause I was blinded by light every time I tried to see her face, but I had a feeling I knew her, she hugged me and told me how proud she was with the things I have done.

And that I have grown into a fine young woman.

I was crying for some reason, like I didn’t wanted to say goodbye to her, but she told me to not worry, she said that I didn’t have to act strong anymore, like she could see I didn’t have the power in me anymore, I’ve used all my strength these past few years so that I could still try and live but... but the strength came to an end.

I gave her a last hug and said my goodbye. There were also two other people behind her.
A man who's face if couldn’t see either and another woman’s that looked just like the woman I just hugged.
I waved at them, showing them my last sad smile, yes I was sad... sad for saying goodbye.

I turned around and Ryan was there with his family.
They all were looking sad... why?
Were they going to miss me?

I looked down at the necklace that Ryan gave me, light reflecting off it and casting a delicate rosy pink colour.

My smile brightened, it was so beautiful.

I looked up again to Ryan and his family and my smile dropped.

They were gone, I looked around, but no one was there.
I was alone... again.

Not even Benjy was at my side?
Did he die?

I gasped, remembering the text saying he got badly hurt.
Was that true? Can’t be!

I’ve got to wake up! I’ve got to find him!

"Wake up!" I started to yell while shutting my eyes close.
I opened my eyes again, it wasn’t working.

"Please." I begged, my voice barely out as a whisper.

"You sure you want to wake up?"

I looked around me hastily, who is talking?

"You maybe wish you would never have awoken Michelle, maybe you would have wished you stayed in this dream." The dangerously low voice bellowed, like he knew bad stuff would happen if I chose the road to wake up.

"But... but," I didn’t know what to say, haven’t I already been through enough? Will it ever stop?
I exhaled some breath, I can’t live a dream forever, I’ve got to face my reality.

"Wake up!" I yelled again.

It stayed silence for a moment.

"As you wish."

And with that, my eyes shot open from the dream and I met the flaking plaster of a ceiling. A thin sheen of sweat coated my forehead as I raised my head, heart hammering wildly.

I was in a dark room; that was all I could make out. The soft glow of the moon shone through a small window at the top corner of the room.

I tried to move my body, but I was tied.
My hands were bound together with rope; I could feel it digging into my skin. My legs weren’t, but they didn’t move, it felt like all my energy got drained from me. Did I get drugged?

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