31: The Scavenger Hunt

Start from the beginning

    With the note still in my hand, I quickly stood up. I walked towards my bedroom door and down the hallway. I walked into the kitchen and towards the kitchen table. I looked underneath the red fruit bowl to see a beautiful, red rose. I picked the rose up, being careful not to let any of the thorns prick my skin. I held the flower up to my nose, taking a gigantic whiff of it. I smiled.

    "This smells delightful."

    As I continued to smell the rose's wonderful aroma, I spotted something white and rectangular on the kitchen table. I looked down to see that there was another index card right beside the fruit bowl. I picked it up, bringing it about ten inches away from my eyes, examining the card. Another note. This note read:

    "To the most caring girl I have ever seen,

    I have always thought of you as my royal queen. You have always provided me with all of your love, attention, and care. I am grateful to know that, for me, you will always be there. Look inside of the thing that is sat on the most. It is in the room that is, from the room that are currently in, the most close."

    Again, came my goofy grin. My heart began to swell with love.

    "A royal queen... Wow..."

    Listening to what the note said, I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walked over to the large, brown couch and lifted up one of its cushions. I let out a squeal of excitement. Underneath the cushion was a small, golden box of Godiva chocolate. I quickly picked up the box of chocolates and put the couch cushion back where it belonged.

    "Godiva chocolate!" I thought to myself, smiling like an idiot, "These are my absolute favorites!"

    Just as I was about to open the box and dig in, I noticed that there was something taped to the bottom of the box. I ripped it off and held it up to my face. Another note. This note read:

    "To the most beautiful girl in this universe,

    Being with you is not, and never ever will be, a curse. Being with a person who is beautiful inside and out is wonderful. Being with you is a blessing, which will keep my life exciting and colorful. Look in the room in which you sleep in every night. Right next to the spot where we share all of our secrets, laughs, and embraces that are quite tight."

    I smiled again; this time, tears of joy forming in my eyes. My heart felt heavier than it ever did before as it filled with more and more love.

    "Wow... I never knew that I was thought of as a blessing..."

    Following the sweet notes instructions, I walked out of the living room, down the hallway, and back into my room. When I got there, I noticed that my bay window bench looked awfully bare. Right next it, all of its pillows were laying in a pile.

    "Hmm, those pillows weren't like that when I left to go in the kitchen...," I thought to myself as I began to approach the pillow pile.

    I knelt down and picked up one of the pillows, tossing it to the side. I let out another squeal once I got a peek of what was hidden underneath all of the pillows. I quickly threw all of the other pillows to the side to reveal a large bouquet of different types of flowers and a large, golden box. I put down the rose and small box of chocolates that I had in my hands on the floor. I picked up the bouquet of flowers and large chocolate box. A tear of joy slid down my cheek. At this point, I felt so loved that I was touched.

    But something was missing. I looked all over the chocolate box and bouquet. I looked on the floor where the pile of pillows had been hiding them. There was not another note.

    "To the most sweetest, caring, and beautiful girlfriend in the world who is just simply the best," I heard a familiar voice from behind me say.

    I turned around to be greeted by the best girlfriend ever, who had a camera in her hand to record my reaction. I slowly stood up with the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates in my hand, more tears of joy flowing down my face. My smile was now bigger than ever.

    "If you had disappeared, I would never be able be able to rest. Without you in my life, I would not be able to live. You and I are the ultimate duo since we give each other our all our love, which is the best gift you can possibly give.  At 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 24th, there is a spring dance in our school. Would you make me the happiest girl alive by attending it with me as my date, my special, rare, gorgeous jewel?"

    Even more tears were falling down my face. I was too speechless from Maya's beautiful poems to say anything, so I just violently nodded my head up and down. I put the flowers and chocolates down on the floor. I then jumped onto Maya, bringing her into my embrace, causing her to drop her camera. After squeezing Maya for a good second or two, I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her passionately.

    "I would love to go to the spring dance with you, Maya," I breathed out, breaking up our kiss.

    Maya smiled at me. She then closed the gap between us, causing us to kiss again. It was wonderful.

A/N: Hey, guys! I am SO sorry for not being able to update on Sunday like I had planned on doing! Writing chapter 31 of my other book, "Just a Dream" took much longer than I expected. Plus, I had to check over my homework. I would've updated yesterday, but I had to do homework and study for a social studies test that I missed while I was on vacation. It took me forever to study for since the lesson was extremely long and there was a dozen of pages of notes that I had to look over. I took the test today and I think I did pretty well on it! So anyways, I didn't get around to write this chapter until today. But, I am so happy because I am almost all caught up with what I missed in school while I was gone! All I have to do is go to my science teacher's room during study hall tomorrow and do this lab with another one of my classmates who missed the same exact amount of days as I did because she was on vacation as well. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 😀 Have a nice day/night!


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