Chapter 14 - Ashton

Start from the beginning

                “Finally finally, finally found you, finally finally, finally found, finally found, I finally found you.” She sings a little bit more confidently.

               “You know I’m gon' get ya.” We finish together, then we hear clapping and we turn slightly to see Chase and Liam gawking and clapping at us.

               “I never knew you two could sing. Charlotte you are really good.” Liam and Chase admired us both.

               “Excuse me, that is rude to only give my girlfriend feedback.” I pouted. Charlotte lightly grabs my face to face her as she goes slightly on her tip-toes and gives me a kiss on my lips.

               “You are an amazing singer babe,” She says as she pulls away, “I never knew you could sing like that, you are amazing.”

               I turn my head over to look at Chase and Liam expectantly, “I’m waiting.”

              They both slightly chuckle, “Sorry Charlotte, but Ashton is a way better singer than you. Ashton, you have a talent.” Chase says as Liam nods his head.

               “You guys offended me in no way. I’m not a big singer so I don’t mind that you think Ashton is better than me because it’s true,” The snow had started to fall a little harder than it was so the ground was now covered in a white sleet of snow. I slowly crouch down to the snow on the ground and make a ball out of the snow. No one had noticed me packing snow because they were too caught up in a conversation between the three of them.

                “Snowball fight!” I yell as I chuck the snowball at Charlottes back and start to run.

               Soon we all were pelting snowballs at each other like little kids. These are the times I think I’m a teenager again. After a while we were all soaked with the water from the snowballs heading inside the doors to the stairs that lead up to my apartment.

               “That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time I must admit.” Chase said as we all nodded and entered my apartment, taking off all our outdoor clothing we had on, and heading towards the kitchen in our soaking daily clothes.

               I start heating up a kettle of water, then walking over towards one of my cupboards and pulling out a thing of marshmallows and hot chocolate mix. Taking out four glass mugs and putting some hot chocolate mix in each, I ask everyone if they want marshmallows or not. They all say yes obviously because who doesn’t love marshmallows, and especially in hot chocolate? As I pour the hot water from the kettle into the mugs, I check the clock to see it was already a quarter to seven.

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