"I don't know what guys do.. Oh, did you ever fold a pillow and fuck that?"

"Fold a pillow?" He asks confused.

Obviously not then. "Yeah, like in half to make it look like a butt.. Stuck your dick between and fucked it.."

"No? But where was this idea when I was 15?" He jokes.

"Mhmm!" I wiggle a brow. "Don't curl the front.. I got that."

"I'm done then.." He sets the wand down, my bent knuckles sizzle against the barrel.

"Fuck!" I hold my hand to my chest and fall to the counter.

I feel the body behind me freeze with terror. "Spencer! I didn't mean to put it that close to your hand! Baby, I am so sorry!" Arms squeeze my stomach. "Let me look at it.." I shake my head, my hand feels like fire. "Come on, show me."

"No, I'm fine.." I lift up and look at my hand.

"Baby, I'm so sorry.." Jimmy holds my hand in his massive left. He turns the water on and forces it under. "I feel so bad.." He kisses my cheek a few time.

I stay still, just resting against his body now. "It's okay, honey.. You don't have to freak."

"Yeah, but I hurt you, Spence.." He remains kissing my cheek. "I just burned your skin.."

"It was a accident, Jim." I face him now. "Neither of us expected it to happen.." I sometimes dislike how cautious he is and how he freaks out over things like this.

"I'm just scared of hurting you.." His sweaty forehead rests on mine.

I sigh. "Mr. James Thomas Fallon.." I poke his hard stomach. "Why are you so scared you're going to hurt me? A little burn by accident isn't going to."

"Ms. Spencer Grace Hughes, I worry because you're you.." What does that mean? "You had shit relationships in the past, you need to be treated like the true person you are. I want to be the boyfriend that gives you everything and the best damn time. Why do you think you get everything?" His brow goes up, I shake my head. "Because you deserve it all.. You deserve everything to me, I love you so much, Spencer.. If I could buy the world for you. I honestly would." The little spot right under my eye is kissed. "Why are you crying, baby?" Jimmy asks with a happy tone.

I bury my head in his chest. "I just I don't know.." I move my face around to wipe my tears away. "I just don't understand why you're the sweetest boy.. You make me feel like shit because I don't buy you stuff.."

He giggles, his chest rattles from under my ear. "Just the kind of guy I am.. And please don't feel like shit, Penn, I don't ask for anything in return. Just your love and cuddles and kisses.." I'm squeezed.

"Will you kiss my boo boo better?" I hold my knuckles up.

Those goddamn giggles. "Yes, I'll kiss your boo boo better." He holds my hand up, kissing all over the burn, then around the rest of my hand. "Want me to fix you up?"

I shake my head. "No, I got it, baby. Thank you though and it does feel better." I kiss him.

"You're so welcome, baby." I'm dipped and nibbled around my neck.

"James!" I shriek and fight away from the tickles.

"Just wanted that smile." He kisses me. "Here, I have this by the way.." Burn gel is handed over.

I look at it. "Why do you have this, this is so random to have in the top drawer of your bathroom."

"I fucked too many pillows. Fabric burn." My eyes automatically roll to the frosted bathroom window. "Ay! Don't give the window that look!"

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